-function CBFWZonesPage()
+function CBFWZonesPage($urls)
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
$comms = new Comms();
- $config = $comms->getConfig();
+ if(isset($urls[1])) {
+ switch($urls[1]) {
+ case "edit":
+ break;
+ case "change":
+ break;
+ case "add":
+ $nametoadd = $_REQUEST["toadd"];
+ $comms->sendMessage("zone add $nametoadd");
+ //if($_REQUEST["desc"] != "") $comms->sendMessage("zone ")
+ header("Location: $BASE_URL/zones");
+ break;
+ default:
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWZonesPageDisplay");
+ }
+ } else {
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWZonesPageDisplay");
+ }
-function CBFWInterfacesPage()
+function CBFWZonesPageDisplay()
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
$comms = new Comms();
$config = $comms->getConfig();
+ echo "<h2>Zones</h2>";
+ echo "<table border=\"1\"><tr><th>Zone</th><th>Interfaces</th><th>Edit</th></tr>";
+ foreach($config["zone"] as $key => $var) {
+ $name = $key;
+ $url = "<a href=\"$BASE_URL/zones/edit/$name\">Edit</a>";
+ echo "<tr><td>$name</td><td>...</td><td>$url</td></tr>";
+ }
+ echo "</table><br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/zones/add\">";
+ echo "<hr><h3>Add Zone</h3><br>";
+ echo "Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"toadd\"><br>";
+ echo "Description: <input type=\"text\" name=\"desc\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Add\" value=\"Add\">";
+ echo "</form>";
+function CBFWInterfacesPage($urls)
+ if(isset($urls[1])) {
+ switch($urls[1]) {
+ case "edit":
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWInterfacesPageEdit", null, null, $urls[2]);
+ break;
+ case "change":
+ CBFWInterfacesChange();
+ break;
+ default:
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWInterfacesPageDisplay");
+ }
+ } else {
+ error_log("main interface page");
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWInterfacesPageDisplay");
+ }
+function CBFWInterfacesChange()
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
+ $comms = new Comms();
+ $comms->sendMessage("interface eth0 changename poof");
+ header("Location: $BASE_URL/interfaces");
+function CBFWInterfacesPageEdit($urls)
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
+ $interface = $urls;
+ echo "<h3>Edit Interface $interface</h3><br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/interfaces/change/$interface\">";
+ echo "<table>";
+ echo "<tr><td>Name</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>HW Address</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"hwaddr\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>Zone</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"zone\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>IPv4 Address</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"ipv4addr\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>IPv6 Address</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"ipv6addr\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>Speed</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"speed\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "<tr><td>Duplex</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"duplex\"></td></tr>";
+ echo "</table>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Change\" value=\"Change\"><br>";
+ //echo "<a href=\"$BASE_URL/interfaces/\">Back</a>";
+ echo "</form>";
+function CBFWInterfacesPageDisplay()
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
+ $comms = new Comms();
+ $config = $comms->getConfig(0);
+ $boot_config = $comms->getConfig(1);
+ // now build an interface table
+ $table = array();
+ foreach($boot_config["hardware"]["netdev"] as $key=>$val) {
+ $ename = $key;
+ $table[$key]["realname"] = $val["name"];
+ $table[$key]["name"] = $val["name"];
+ // driver
+ if(isset($val["driver"])) $table[$key]["type"] = $val["driver"];
+ else $table[$key]["type"] = "Unknown";
+ // hw address
+ if(isset($val["hwaddress"])) $table[$key]["hwaddress"] = $val["hwaddress"];
+ }
+ foreach($config["hardware"]["netdev"] as $key=>$val) {
+ $ename = $key;
+ if(isset($config["interface"]["$key"]["name"])) $table[$key]["name"] = $config["interface"]["$key"]["name"];
+ $table[$key]["address4"] = null;
+ $table[$key]["address6"] = null;
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["address4"])) {
+ $table[$key]["address4"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["address4"];
+ }
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["address6"])) {
+ $table[$key]["address6"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["address6"];
+ }
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["mtu"])) {
+ $table[$key]["mtu"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["mtu"];
+ } else {
+ $table[$key]["mtu"] = "1500"; // TODO: this needs to actually come from somewhere
+ }
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["speed"])) {
+ $table[$key]["speed"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["speed"];
+ } else {
+ $table[$key]["speed"] = null;
+ }
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["duplex"])) {
+ $table[$key]["duplex"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["duplex"];
+ } else {
+ $table[$key]["duplex"] = null;
+ }
+ if(isset($config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["zone"])) {
+ $table[$key]["zone"] = $config["interface"][$table[$key]["name"]]["zone"];
+ } else {
+ $table[$key]["zone"] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ echo "<table border=\"1\"><th>Device</th><th>Zone</th><th>Type</th><th>MAC Address</th><th>Address</th><th>MTU</th><th>Speed/Duplex</th><th>Control</th></tr>";
+ foreach($table as $key =>$val) {
+ if($val["realname"] == $val["name"]) $name = $val["name"];
+ else $name = $val["name"]." (".$val["realname"].")";
+ // zone
+ if($val["zone"] == null) $zone = "-";
+ else $zone = $val["zone"];
+ // mtu
+ $mtu = $val["mtu"];
+ // driver type
+ $type = $val["type"];
+ // hardware address
+ $mac = $val["hwaddress"];
+ // speed and duplex
+ if($val["duplex"] == null) $dup = "default";
+ else $dup = $val["duplex"];
+ if($val["speed"] == null) $spd = "default";
+ else $spd = $val["speed"];
+ $spanddu = "$spd/$dup";
+ // network address
+ if($val["address4"]!=null && $val["address6"]!=null) {
+ $address = $val["address4"]."<br>".$val["address6"];
+ } else if($val["address4"] != null) {
+ $address = $val["address4"];
+ } else if($val["address6"] != null) {
+ $address = $val["address6"];
+ } else {
+ $address = "-";
+ }
+ echo "<tr><th>$name</th><td>$zone</td><td>$type</td><td>$mac</td><td>$address</td><td>$mtu</td><td>$spanddu</td><td><a href=\"$BASE_URL/interfaces/edit/".$val["realname"]."\">Edit</a></td></tr>";
+ }
+ echo "</table>";
function CBFWObjectsPage()
// ok, now we try and find the basics
$url_s = explode("/", $url);
+ $bodyFunction = null;
switch($url_s[0]) {
case "zones":
- $bodyFunction = "CBFWZonesPage";
+ CBFWZonesPage($url_s);
case "interfaces":
- $bodyFunction = "CBFWInterfacesPage";
+ CBFWInterfacesPage($url_s);
case "objects":
$bodyFunction = "CBFWObjectsPage";
} else {
$bodyFunction = "CBFBuildHomePage";
- CBFWpageBuilder(null, $bodyFunction);
+ if($bodyFunction != null) CBFWpageBuilder(null, $bodyFunction);
-function CBFWpageBuilder($bodyClass, $bodyFunction, $bodycontent=null, $title="CBFW")
+function CBFWpageBuilder($bodyClass, $bodyFunction, $bodycontent=null, $title="CBFW", $bodyfunctiondata=null)
if($bodyClass != null) {
- $bodyClass->$bodyFunction($url);
+ $bodyClass->$bodyFunction($bodyfunctiondata);
} else if( $bodyFunction != null) {
- $bodyFunction($url);
+ $bodyFunction($bodyfunctiondata);
} else echo $bodycontent;
echo "</td></tr></table>";