return genericssh_ssh($host, $username, $password, "cli show configuration");
+// remembver this:
+function screenosisgay($host, $username, $password, $command)
+ $connector = ssh2_connect("$host");
+ error_log("attempting connect to $host with $username");
+ if($connector) {
+ error_log("connector true");
+ } else {
+ error_log("connector false");
+ }
+ ssh2_auth_password($connector, "$username", "$password");
+ $stream = ssh2_shell($connector, 'ansi');
+ fwrite($stream, PHP_EOL);
+ fwrite($stream, "set console page 0".PHP_EOL);
+ fwrite($stream, "get config".PHP_EOL);
+ fwrite($stream, PHP_EOL);
+ sleep(1);
+ stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
+ //fwrite($stream, "exit".PHP_EOL);
+ //fwrite($stream, "n".PHP_EOL);
+ $config = "";
+ $initline = "";
+ $haveinit = false;
+ while($buf = fgets($stream, 4096)) {
+ flush();
+ echo "got buf\n\"$buf\"\n";
+ $initline = $buf;
+ $config .= $buf;
+ }
+ fclose($stream);
+ return $config;
\ No newline at end of file
$need_enable = false;
// this aint the right way.
- if($logdets["username"] == "" && $_REQUEST["username"] == "") {
- // we need a user
- $need_user = true;
+ if($logdets["username"] == "") {
+ if(!isset($_REQUEST["username"])) {
+ // we need a user
+ $need_user = true;
+ } else {
+ $act_user = $_REQUEST["username"];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $act_user = $logdets["username"];
- if($logdets["password"] == "" && $_REQUEST["password"] == "") {
- // we need a user
- $need_pass = true;
+ if($logdets["password"] == "") {
+ if(!isset($_REQUEST["password"])) {
+ // we need a user
+ $need_pass = true;
+ } else {
+ $act_pass = $_REQUEST["password"];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $act_pass = $logdets["password"];
- if($logdets["enable"] == "" && $_REQUEST["enable"] == "" && $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["needsenable"]) {
- $need_enable = true;
+ if($HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["needsenable"]) {
+ if($logdets["enable"] == "") {
+ if(!isset($_REQUEST["enable"])) {
+ $need_enable = true;
+ } else {
+ $act_enable = $_REQUEST["enable"];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $act_enable = $logdets["enable"];
+ }
- $conf = $func($hip, $act_user, $act_pass, $act_enable);
- // function db_getMaxValue($tablename, $column, $columnsel="", $wheresel="")
- $oldconf_rid = db_getMaxValue("configs", "configs_id", "hostip", "$hip");
- $oldconf_id = $oldconf_rid[0][0];
- error_log("oldconf_id is $oldconf_id");
+ if($need_user || $need_pass || $need_enable) {
+ echo "No Username/Password information stored, please enter them now (they will not be saved)<br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?action=update&hip=\">";
+ if($need_user) {
+ echo "User <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"><br>";
+ }
+ if($need_pass) echo "Password <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br>";
+ if($need_enable) echo "Enable Password <input type=\"text\" name=\"enable\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Update\" value=\"Update\">";
+ echo "<form>";
+ } else {
- // function db_selectData($tablename, $column="", $value="", $orderby = "")
- $oldconf_r = db_selectData("configs", "configs_id", "$oldconf_id");
- $oldconf = base64_decode($oldconf_r[0]["configdata"]);
+ $conf = $func($hip, $act_user, $act_pass, $act_enable);
- if(md5($oldconf) != md5($conf)) {
- echo "New config found, updating db<br>";
- db_insertData("configs", "$hip", time(), base64_encode($conf));
- echo "Config added<br>";
- } else {
- echo "New config and old config are the same, not updating<br>";
+ // function db_getMaxValue($tablename, $column, $columnsel="", $wheresel="")
+ $oldconf_rid = db_getMaxValue("configs", "configs_id", "hostip", "$hip");
+ $oldconf_id = $oldconf_rid[0][0];
+ error_log("oldconf_id is $oldconf_id");
+ // function db_selectData($tablename, $column="", $value="", $orderby = "")
+ $oldconf_r = db_selectData("configs", "configs_id", "$oldconf_id");
+ $oldconf = base64_decode($oldconf_r[0]["configdata"]);
+ if(md5($oldconf) != md5($conf)) {
+ echo "New config found, updating db<br>";
+ db_insertData("configs", "$hip", time(), base64_encode($conf));
+ echo "Config added<br>";
+ } else {
+ echo "New config and old config are the same, not updating<br>";
+ }
function www_hostTypesDropDown()
//function db_updateData($tablename, $column, $newdata, $wherecol, $wheredata, $exact=true)
- echo "Host added successfully, running configuration test<br>";
- $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["getconfig"];
- $conf = $func($hip, $user, $pass, $enable);
- echo "The config I got is below, hope its correct as it'll be inserted into the DB as config version 1<br><pre>$conf</pre>";
+ if($user != "" && $pass != "") {
+ echo "Host added successfully, running configuration test<br>";
+ $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["getconfig"];
+ $conf = $func($hip, $user, $pass, $enable);
+ echo "The config I got is below, hope its correct as it'll be inserted into the DB as config version 1<br><pre>$conf</pre>";
+ } else {
+ echo "Host added. but cant run config test until you manually update<br>";
+ }
//db_createTable("configs", "hostip", "configtime", "configdata");
db_insertData("configs", "$hip", time(), base64_encode($conf));