// comms on this thing are very serial, the server are only capable of processing
// one thing at a time... for now
+// the encryption we use here yes, it will be pub/priv but not ssl per se.
+// how encryption works:
+// initiate connection:
+// server -> PEN:b64enc(pubkey):INE
+// client -> PEN:ACK:INE
+// client -> PEN:encrypt(pubkey, session key):INE
+// server -> PEN:ACK:INE
+// client -> PEN:encrypt(data, session key):INE <-- data transmission starts here
+// server -> PEN:ACK:INE
class netCom {
function __construct($am_i_a_server = false, $server_addr = "")
+ global $storeLocation;
// i have to set it to something, right?
$this->semKey = ftok(__FILE__, "p");
$this->encrypt = false;
$this->amserver = $am_i_a_server;
$this->server = $server_addr;
+ if($this->amserver) if(is_file("$storeLocation/mykey.priv")) {
+ echo "loading key\n";
+ $kh = fopen("$storeLocation/mykey.priv", "r");
+ $kdp = fread($kh, filesize("$storeLocation/mykey.priv"));
+ $key = openssl_pkey_get_private($kdp);
+ $output = "";
+ $km = openssl_pkey_export($key, $output);
+ echo "key is $output\n";
+ $this->key_priv = $output;
+ $ar_pubkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($key);
+ $this->key_pub = $ar_pubkey["key"];
+ } else {
+ echo "generateing key\n";
+ $key = openssl_pkey_new();
+ echo "key generated $key\n";
+ $output = "";
+ $km = openssl_pkey_export($key, $output);
+ echo "key is $output\n";
+ $ar_pubkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($key);
+ $pubkey = $ar_pubkey["key"];
+ echo "array is $pubkey\n";
+ // now lets write some shit
+ $priv_f = fopen("$storeLocation/mykey.priv", "w");
+ fwrite($priv_f, $output);
+ $this->key_priv = $output;
+ fclose($priv_f);
+ $pub_f = fopen("$storeLocation/mykey.pub", "w");
+ fwrite($pub_f, $pubkey);
+ $this->key_pub = $pubkey;
+ fclose($pub_f);
+ }
// initiates a bind if its a server, a connect if its a client
function go()
if($this->amserver) {
+ echo "i am a server, bind!\n";
$this->listen_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
+ $this->listen_socket_ssl = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
socket_bind($this->listen_socket, "", NETCOM_PORT);
+ socket_bind($this->listen_socket_ssl, "", NETCOM_PORT_SSL);
+ socket_listen($this->listen_socket_ssl);
+ echo "bound\n";
} else {
+ echo "I am a client, connect!\n";
$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
- $res = socket_connect($this->socket, "", NETCOM_PORT);
+ $res = socket_connect($this->socket, "", NETCOM_PORT_SSL);
+ $this->secure_socket = true;
if(!$res) {
echo "fail on connect\n";
return false;
+ echo "connected\n";
+ // now handle secure handshake;
+ if($this->secure_socket) {
+ echo "begin handshake\n";
+ $msg = $this->receiveMessage();
+ echo "got msg:\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ echo "\n";
+ }
function waitForConnection()
+ echo "in wait for connection\n";
$this->socket = socket_accept($this->listen_socket);
+ $this->secure_socket = false;
+ echo "exit wait for connection\n";
+ function waitForSecureConnection()
+ {
+ echo "in wait for secure connection\n";
+ socket_listen($this->listen_socket_ssl);
+ $this->socket = socket_accept($this->listen_socket_ssl);
+ $this->secure_socket = true;
+ // now do negotiate
+ if($this->secure_socket) {
+ $arg[0] = $this->key_pub;
+ $this->sendMessage($arg);
+ }
+ echo "exit wait for connection\n";
+ }
function sendMessage($message_array)
+ echo "begin send message\n";
$datacomp = base64_encode(serialize($message_array));
$tosend = "PEN:$datacomp:INE";
socket_send($this->socket, $tosend, strlen($tosend), 0);
+ echo "end send message\n";
// get up to one meg of data - this is bad... i can feel this function
// hurting alot
// TODO FIX THIS - its garbage code... im not really sure how to handle this really
// we need to read back as AS:data:EOD - i think it now does.. i hope, tho we need
// timeouts now.
+ // we wait for an ack
+ $size = socket_recv($this->socket, $recv, 1024, 0);
+ if($recv != "PEN:ACK:INE") {
+ echo "invalid response?\n$recv\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "got ack\n";
+ }
function receiveMessage()
+ echo "begin recieve message\n";
$recvd = "";
$continue = true;
while($continue) {
$size = socket_recv($this->socket, $recvd_a, 1024, 0);
$recvd .= $recvd_a;
+ echo "got $recvd_a so far for $size\n";
+ if($size == 0) return false;
if(preg_match("/.*\:INE$/", $recvd)) {
// we have a full string... break out
$continue = false;
+ echo "rec msg next\n";
// first check we got something that makes sense
- if(preg_match("/^PEN:.*:INE/", $recvd) < 1) {
+ if(preg_match("/^PEN:.*:INE$/", $recvd) < 1) {
echo "Returned data is not in right format\n";
// we have a problem jim
return false;
+ $msg = "PEN:ACK:INE";
+ socket_send($this->socket, $msg, strlen($msg), 0);
+ echo "got a data packet\n";
$xps = explode(":", $recvd);
$component = unserialize(base64_decode($xps[1]));
private $socket_ssl;
private $listen_socket;
private $listen_socket_ssl;
+ private $key_priv;
+ private $key_pub;
+ private $secure_socket;