--- /dev/null
+$HOST_TYPE["junos"]["name"] = "Juniper JunOS Devices";
+$HOST_TYPE["junos"]["getconfig"] = "jos_getConfig";
+$HOST_TYPE["junos"]["needsenable"] = false;
+function jos_getConfig($host, $username, $password, $enable)
+ return genericssh_ssh($host, $username, $password, "cli show configuration");
\ No newline at end of file
$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["name"] = "Netscreen Screen OS";
-$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["configform"] = "nsos_formFunction";
-$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["postfunction"] = "nsos_postFunction";
$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["updateconfig"] = "nsos_updateConfig";
-$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["detail"] = "nsos_detail";
$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["getconfig"] = "nsos_getConfigFromDB";
-function nsos_formFunction()
- ?>
-Note: If your router/firewall/device uses a one-time password, leave these blank and manually update from the
-home page<br>
-Name <input type="text" name="username"><br>
-Password <input type="password" name="password"><br>
-Method <select name="methodtype"><option value="ssh">SSH</option><option value="telnet">Telnet</option></select>
- <?php
-function nsos_postFunction()
- if($_REQUEST["password"] != "" && $_REQUEST["username"] != "") {
- $hip = $_REQUEST["hostip"];
- $user = $_REQUEST["username"];
- $pass = $_REQUEST["password"];
- $config = nsos_getConfig($hip, $user, $pass);
- $hconfig["username"] = $user;
- $hconfig["password"] = $pass;
- $lastupdate = time();
- $upsched = $_REQUEST["upsched"];
- db_updateData("hosts", "hostconfig", base64_encode(serialize($hconfig)), "hostip", "$hip");
- db_updateData("hosts", "lastupdate", "$lastupdate", "hostip", "$hip");
- db_updateData("hosts", "updateschedule", "$upsched", "hostip", "$hip");
- db_insertData("configs", "$hip", "$lastupdate", base64_encode($config));
- //db_createTable("configs", "hostip", "configtime", "configdata");
- //db_createTable("hosts", "hostname", "hostip", "hosttype", "hostconfig", "lastupdate", "updateschedule");
- //function db_updateData($tablename, $column, $newdata, $wherecol, $wheredata, $exact=true)
- echo "if the below is accurate, this has worked<br>";
- echo "Attempting first config grab, i see<br>";
- echo "<pre>";
- echo $config;
- echo "</pre>";
- } else {
- echo "No username and password set, you can update manually from the home page\n";
- $hconfig["username"] = "";
- $hconfig["password"] = "";
- db_updateData("hosts", "hostconfig", base64_encode(serialize($hconfig)), "hostip", "$hip");
- }
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($_REQUEST);
- echo "</pre>";
+$HOST_TYPE["screenos"]["needsenable"] = false;
function nsos_getConfigFromDB($hip, $cid)
return base64_decode($data[0]["configdata"]);
-function nsos_detail($hip)
- $data = db_selectData("configs", "hostip", "$hip", "configtime desc");
- echo "<table border=\"1\">";
- echo "<tr><th>Config Data</th><th>Compare</th></tr>";
- foreach($data as $dstruct) {
- //echo "<pre>";
- //print_r($dstruct);
- //echo "</pre>";
- $dold = round((time()-$dstruct["configtime"])/86400);
- $lupdate = strftime("%T %e %b %G", $dstruct["configtime"])." ($dold days old)";
- $cid = $dstruct["configs_id"];
- echo "<tr><td>$lupdate <a href=\"?action=getconfig&cid=$cid&hip=$hip\">Get</a> <a href=\"?action=downloadconfig&cid=$cid&hip=$hip\">Download</a></td><td>Tick</td></tr>";
- }
- echo "</table>";
function nsos_updateConfig($hip, $hostconfig)
- $hconf = unserialize(base64_decode($hostconfig));
- if($hconf["username"] == "" && !isset($_REQUEST["username"])) {
- echo "No username/password data<br>";
-<form method="post" action="?action=update&hip=<?php echo $hip ?>">
-Name <input type="text" name="username"><br>
-Password <input type="password" name="password"><br>
-<input type="submit" name="Go" value="Go"><br>
- return 0;
- }
- if(isset($_REQUEST["username"])) {
- $hconf["username"] = $_REQUEST["username"];
- $hconf["password"] = $_REQUEST["password"];
- }
- $lastconfig_n_d = db_getMaxValue("configs", "configs_id", "hostip", $hip);
- $lastconfig_n = $lastconfig_n_d[0][0];
- $lastconfig_d = db_selectData("configs", "configs_id", "$lastconfig_n");
- $lastconfig = base64_decode($lastconfig_d[0]["configdata"]);
- $config = nsos_getConfig($hip, $hconf["username"], $hconf["password"]);
- if(md5($config) == md5($lastconfig)) {
- echo "Retrieved config is same as previous one, ignoring<br>";
- return 0;
- }
- //error_log("getting config with ".$hconf["username"]." and ".$conf["password"]);
- echo "Got config, saving it to db<br>";
- $lastupdate = time();
- db_updateData("hosts", "lastupdate", "$lastupdate", "hostip", "$hip");
- db_insertData("configs", "$hip", "$lastupdate", base64_encode($config));
- echo "Config is:<br><pre>";
- echo $config;
- echo "</pre>";
-function nsos_getConfig($host, $username, $password)
+function nsos_getConfig($host, $username, $password, $enable)
return genericssh_ssh($host, $username, $password, "cli show configuration");
// some global menu stuff
$MENUS["home"]["url"] = "?action=home";
$MENUS["home"]["name"] = "Home";
-$MENUS["hosts"]["url"] = "?action=hosts";
-$MENUS["hosts"]["name"] = "Hosts";
+//$MENUS["hosts"]["url"] = "?action=hosts";
+//$MENUS["hosts"]["name"] = "Hosts";
$MENUS["add"]["url"] = "?action=addhost";
$MENUS["add"]["name"] = "Add Host";
$MENUS["config"]["url"] = "?action=config";
$hostname = $data[0]["hostname"];
$htype = $data[0]["hosttype"];
- $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["updateconfig"];
+ $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["getconfig"];
+ $logdets = unserialize(base64_decode($hconfig));
+ $conf = $func($hip, $logdets["username"], $logdets["password"], $logdets["enable"]);
+ // function db_getMaxValue($tablename, $column, $columnsel="", $wheresel="")
+ $oldconf_rid = db_getMaxValue("configs", "configs_id", "hostip", "$hip");
+ $oldconf_id = $oldconf_rid[0][0];
+ error_log("oldconf_id is $oldconf_id");
- error_log("calling $func with $hip, and $hconfig");
- $func("$hip", $hconfig);
+ // function db_selectData($tablename, $column="", $value="", $orderby = "")
+ $oldconf_r = db_selectData("configs", "configs_id", "$oldconf_id");
+ $oldconf = base64_decode($oldconf_r[0]["configdata"]);
+ if(md5($oldconf) != md5($conf)) {
+ echo "New config found, updating db<br>";
+ db_insertData("configs", "$hip", time(), base64_encode($conf));
+ echo "Config added<br>";
+ } else {
+ echo "New config and old config are the same, not updating<br>";
+ }
} else {
echo "Are you use you wish to delete the host, $hostname with IP address $hip? (and all associated config info)<br>";
echo "<a href=\"?action=delete&hip=$hip&confirmed=yes\">Yes</a>";
- echo "<pre>";
- print_r($data);
- echo "</pre>";
db_createTable("configs", "hostip", "configtime", "configdata");
<form method="post" action="?action=addhostnext">
+<i>Note: if you leave the username/password fields blank, you'll be prompted when
+manually updating on the home page</i>
<tr><td>Name</td><td><input type="text" name="cname"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Hostname/IP Address</td><td><input type="text" name="hname"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" name="username"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="password"></td></tr>
+<tr><td>Enable Password</td><td><input type="password" name="enable"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Host Type</td><td><select name="hosttype"><?php www_hostTypesDropDown() ?></select></td></tr>
<tr><td>Update Schedule</td><td><select name="updatesched"><?php www_updateSchedule() ?></select></td></tr></table>
-<input type="submit" value="Next" name="Next">
+<input type="submit" value="Add" name="Add">
if(isset($_REQUEST["hosttype"])) {
$htype = $_REQUEST["hosttype"];
- $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["configform"];
$hip = $_REQUEST["hname"];
+ $user = $_REQUEST["username"];
+ $pass = $_REQUEST["password"];
+ $enable = $_REQUEST["enable"];
$hname = $_REQUEST["hname"];
$upsched = $_REQUEST["updatesched"];
- if(function_exists($func)) {
- echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?action=addhostthree&hosttype=$htype&hostname=$hname&hostip=$hip&upsched=$upsched\">";
- $func();
- echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add\" name=\"Add\">";
- } else echo "would call $func for $htype but it doesnt exist\n";
- }
+ $confdetails["username"] = $user;
+ $confdetails["password"] = $pass;
+ $confdetails["enable"] = $enable;
+ $logdata = base64_encode(serialize($confdetails));
+ db_updateData("hosts", "hostconfig", "$logdata", "hostip", "$hip");
+ //function db_updateData($tablename, $column, $newdata, $wherecol, $wheredata, $exact=true)
-function www_addHostStageThree()
- global $HOST_TYPE;
- if(isset($_REQUEST["hosttype"])) {
- $htype = $_REQUEST["hosttype"];
- $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["postfunction"];
- if(function_exists($func)) {
- $func();
- } else echo "would call $func for $htype but it doesnt exist\n";
+ echo "Host added successfully, running configuration test<br>";
+ $func = $HOST_TYPE["$htype"]["getconfig"];
+ $conf = $func($hip, $user, $pass, $enable);
+ echo "The config I got is below, hope its correct as it'll be inserted into the DB as config version 1<br><pre>$conf</pre>";
+ //db_createTable("configs", "hostip", "configtime", "configdata");
+ db_insertData("configs", "$hip", time(), base64_encode($conf));
\ No newline at end of file