// now we need to rebuild the actual request or do we?
//$basegit = "$BASE_URL/git/something.git";
//$newloc = preg_replace("/^$basegit/", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
+ chdir("$repo_base/$repo");
+ exec("/usr/bin/git update-server-info");
error_log("path trans'd is /tmp/$repo/$euri from $ruri with ".$_REQUEST["q"]." $strrem");
$pwd = "/tmp/";
// i.e. why the pointer doesnt increment over it, cause the freads above then get them again.
if($firstline) {
if(strlen($from_cgi_data_t)>0) {
+ // i dont get why this happens, and its very frustrating.. im not sure if its a bug in php
+ // or something the git-http-backend thing is doing..
+ // TODO: find out why this happens
$from_cgi_data = preg_replace("/^\r\n/", "", $from_cgi_data_t);
if(strlen($from_cgi_data)!=strlen($from_cgi_data_t)) {
error_log("MOOOKS - we did trunc");
+ } else {
+ error_log("MOOOKS - we did not trunc");
$firstline = false;