// first do a head request
console.log("upsteram as ", unify.requestFor);
- var splpath = unify.requestFor.split("/");
- var topdir = splpath[1];
- var toppath = "";
- for(var i=2; i < splpath.length; i++) {
- if(toppath == "") {
- toppath = splpath[i];
- } else {
- toppath += "/" + splpath[i];
- }
- }
- console.log("uppath = '%s' and '%s'", topdir, toppath);
- if(typeof global.repoproxy.repo[topdir] != "undefined") {
- console.log("which is ", global.repoproxy.repo[topdir]);
- console.log("so upstream is, ", global.repoproxy.repo[topdir].url + toppath);
+ var endData = false;
+ var xpath = "";
+ var filefd = null;
+ if(unify.topPath !=null) if(unify.topPath != "") if(typeof global.repoproxy.repo[unify.topPath] != "undefined") {
+ var uplink = global.repoproxy.repo[unify.topPath].url;
+ xpath = uplink + unify.subPath;
+ //unify.b.write("would send to '" + xpath + "'");
+ //unify.b.end();
+ console.log("sending off to '%s'", xpath);
+ var headReq = url.parse(xpath);
+ headReq["method"] = "HEAD";
+ getup = http.request(xpath, function(res) {
+ res.setEncoding("utf8");
+ if(!endData) {
+ console.log("status code is ", typeof res.statusCode);
+ switch(res.statusCode) {
+ // TODO: this 301 directory redirect thing needs to work better
+ case 301:
+ case 302:
+ var loc = res.headers.location.substr(res.headers.location.length-4);
+ var against_t = xpath + "/";
+ var against = against_t.substr(against_t.length-4);
+ if(loc == against) {
+ console.log("got a redirect, upstream for loc => loc/ assuming its a directory");
+ makeCacheDir(unify);
+ unify.b.writeHead(302, { "Location": unify.originalReq + "/" });
+ } else {
+ console.log("checked '%s' against '%s', was false, sending 404", loc, against);
+ unify.b.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
+ unify.b.write("404 Not Found\n");
+ }
+ unify.b.end();
+ endData = true;
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ unify.b.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
+ unify.b.write("404 Not Found\n");
+ unify.b.end();
+ endData = true;
+ break;
+ case 200:
+ makeCacheDir(unify);
+ if(unify.isDirectoryRequest) {
+ serviceDirectory(unify);
+ endData = true;
+ } else {
+ // this is where it gets ugly
+ console.log("do ugly write: ", unify);
+ //unify.b.write(data);
+ getAndService(unify, xpath);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.log(".... data");
+ //unify.b.write(data);
+ }
+ }
+ //console.log("res is now ", res);
+ });
+ getup.end();
+ //console.log("getup: ", getup);
exports.upstreamRequest = upstreamRequest;
+function getAndService(unify, xpath) {
+ if(global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] == 1) {
+ unify.b.write("trying to service inline");
+ unify.b.end();
+ } else {
+ global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] = 1;
+ http.get(xpath, function(res) {
+ var file = fs.createWriteStream(unify.fullFilePath);
+ console.log("res: ", res);
+ //res.setEncoding("utf8");
+ res.on("data", function(data) {
+ //console.log("chunk");
+ file.write(data);
+ unify.b.write(data);
+ });
+ res.on("end", function() {
+ console.log("end...");
+ unify.b.end();
+ file.end();
+ global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] = 0;
+ });
+ });
+ }
// the service file routine .... PLEASE KILL ME!
function serviceFile(unify) {
exports.serviceFile = serviceFile;
+function makeCacheDir(path) {
+ console.log("attempting to create... '%s' as '%s'", path.fullPathDirName, path.subPathDirName);
+ var startAt = path.topFullPath;
+ var nextbits = path.subPathDirName.split("/");
+ for(var i=0; i < nextbits.length; i++) {
+ startAt += "/" + nextbits[i];
+ console.log("attempt mkdir on '%s'", startAt);
+ try {
+ fs.mkdirSync(startAt);
+ } catch(e) {
+ //console.log("e in mkdir, ", e);
+ }
+ }
+ //process.exit(0);
function serviceDirectory(unify) {
var nfiles = 0;
var res = unify.b;
global.repoproxy.listenPort = 8008;
global.repoproxy.cacheDir = "./cache";
global.repoproxy.repo = new Object();
- global.repoproxy.scancache = 1;
+ global.repoproxy.scancache = 1;
+ global.repoproxy.downloads = new Object();
var confFileData = fs.readFileSync(conffile, "utf8");
console.log("ERROR: cant create cleanup directory, '%s'", global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/.cleanup");
+ console.log("next: ", global.repoproxy.repo);
for(var index in global.repoproxy.repo) {
var fullDir = global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/" + index;
+ console.log("on end, ", fullDir);
try {
- var state = fs.statSync(global.repoproxy.cacheDir);
- //console.log("state is:", state);
+ var state = fs.statSync(fullDir);
+ console.log("state is:", state);
} catch(e) {
try {
+ console.log("attempted to create cache dir, ", fullDir);
} catch(ex) {
console.log("ERROR: failed to create cache directory, '%s' for '%s'", fullDir, index);
exports.routeRequest = function(req, res) {
// first, unify the request
var thisQuery = unifyRequest(req, res, function(unified) {
- if(unified.exists) {
+ if(unified.requestFor == "/favicon.ico") {
+ unified.b.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
+ unified.b.write("404 Not Found\n");
+ } else if(unified.exists) {
if(unified.isFile) {
} else if(unified.isDirectory) {
// create the full file path by spanning the cachedir
unified.fullFilePath = (global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/" + originalurl.pathname.replace(/^\/pub/, "")).replace(/\/+/g, "/");
- // determine if the request is for a directory
- if(unified.requestFor.match(/\/$/) != null) {
- unified.isDirectoryRequest = true;
- unified.fullPathDirName = unified.fullFilePath;
- } else {
- unified.isDirectoryRequest = false;
- unified.fullPathDirName = path.dirname(unified.fullFilePath);
- }
// determine the topPath, subpath etc.
var spl = unified.requestFor.split("/");
unified.topPath = spl[1];
+ unified.topFullPath = (global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/" + spl[1]).replace(/\/+/g, "/");
unified.subPath = "";
if(spl.length > 2) {
for(var i=2; i < spl.length; i++) {
unified.subPath = null;
+ // determine if the request is for a directory
+ if(unified.requestFor.match(/\/$/) != null) {
+ unified.isDirectoryRequest = true;
+ unified.fullPathDirName = unified.fullFilePath;
+ unified.subPathDirName = unified.subPath;
+ } else {
+ unified.isDirectoryRequest = false;
+ unified.fullPathDirName = path.dirname(unified.fullFilePath);
+ unified.subPathDirName = path.dirname(unified.subPath);
+ }
fs.stat(unified.fullFilePath, function(err, stats) {
if(err == null) {