require_once "$BASE_LIB/lib.php";
-if(!isset($argv[1])) {
- echo "Usage: ".$argv[0]." command\n";
+if(!isset($argv[2])) {
+ echo "Usage: ".$argv[0]." changer_name command\n";
echo "\tbacula-config - outputs bacula config\n";
echo "\tinit - inits the bacula php changer stuff\n";
echo "\tadd-disk - adds a disk\n";
- echo "\tdisks - lists current disks\n";
+ echo "\tdisks - lists currently (known) disks\n";
echo "\tstatus - prints status (whats where in which slot, drive, etc)\n";
-$command = $argv[1];
+$command = $argv[2];
+switch($command) {
+ case "init":
+ init();
+ break;
+ case "bacula-config":
+ break;
+ case "add-disk":
+ add_disk();
+ break;
+ case "disks":
+ break;
+ case "status":
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "invalid command\n";
+function init()
+ global $BASE_DATA, $BASE_LIB, $BACULA_USER, $argv;
+ // check if we are the bacula user
+ $user = posix_getlogin();
+ if($user != $BACULA_USER) {
+ echo "This command must be run as the bacula user\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $changer_name = $argv[1];
+ echo "This command will init the data for $changer_name\n";
+ if(file_exists("$BASE_DATA/$changer_name.db")) {
+ //echo "Daemon is already init'd, are you sure you wish to do this, it will loose all config [y/n]:";
+ $r = readline("Daemon is already init'd, are you sure you wish to do this, it will loose all config [y/n]:");
+ if($r == "y") {
+ echo "Ok, but its your disaster, waiting 5 seconds prior to init'ing the database (hit ctrl-c to exit)\n";
+ sleep(5);
+ } else {
+ echo "Ok, not doing it, so long chum\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ echo "Creating database\n";
+ $r = readline("Directory where automount occurs [/changer/]:");
+ $r = readline("Number of drives [1]:");
+ $r = readline("Size of tapes [20] (in gb):");
+function add_disk()
+ // disks get inited by going to /changer_dir/disk_uuid/ then:
+ // creating pbdc/changer_name/stuff.
+ global $BASE_DATA, $BASE_LIB, $BACULA_USER, $argv;
+ $dh = opendir("/dev/disk/by-uuid");
+ $disk = "";
+ $i = 0;
+ while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
+ $st = stat("/dev/disk/by-uuid/".$file);
+ $realname = basename(readlink("/dev/disk/by-uuid/".$file));
+ // now get the size
+ $fh = fopen("/sys/class/block/$realname/size", "r");
+ $rl = fgets($fh);
+ fclose($fh);
+ $realsize = (int)(((($rl/1024)*512)/1024)/1024);
+ echo "disk $i: /dev/$realname or /dev/disk/by-uuid/$file of size ".$realsize."gb\n";
+ $disk[$i]["real"] = "/dev/$realname";
+ $disk[$i]["syml"] = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/".$file;
+ $disk[$i]["size"] = $realsize;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ $i = readline("Choose a disk from the list above:");
+ if(isset($disk[$i]["real"])) {
+ echo "you have chosen, ".$disk[$i]["syml"]." (".$disk[$i]["real"].") of size ".$disk[$i]["size"]."gb\n";
+ $ans = readline("is this correct? [y/n]:");
+ if($ans != "y") {
+ echo "you said no, i bail\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo "invalid selection\n";
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ // now we try and init the disk
\ No newline at end of file