return $this->config;
+ function setConfig($config) {
+ $this->config = $config;
+ }
function applyConfig()
global $AM_DAEMON;
return true;
- function mergeConfig($configone, $configtwo)
- {
- // yep this means apply changes in configtwo to configone
- $newconf = $configone;
- // this is gunna be tough its gunna be a meet on meet sandwitch
- foreach($configtwo as $key => $var) {
- if($key != "status") {
- error_log("apply change $key");
- foreach($var as $key2=>$var2) {
- error_log("which is $key2");
- $splits = explode(" ", $var2);
- // find a description
- $description = null;
- $hasdescription = false;
- for($i=0; $i<count($splits); $i++) {
- if($hasdescription !== false) {
- if($description != null) {
- $description .= " ";
- }
- $description .= $splits[$i];
- }
- if($splits[$i] == "#") {
- $hasdescription = $i;
- }
- }
- switch($key2) {
- case "add":
- error_log("would add $var2");
- $thing = $splits[0];
- switch($thing) {
- case "zone":
- $newconf["zone"][$splits[1]]["name"] = 1;
- if($hasdescription) {
- $newconf["zone"][$splits[1]]["description"] = $description;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "modify":
- error_log("would modify $var2");
- $thing = $splits[0];
- switch($thing) {
- case "zone":
- $zonename = $splits[1];
- if($hasdescription) {
- $newconf["zone"][$splits[1]]["description"] = $description;
- }
- if($splits[2] == "rename") {
- $newname = $splits[3];
- $tree = $newconf["zone"][$splits[1]];
- unset($newconf["zone"][$splits[1]]);
- $newconf["zone"][$newname] = $tree;
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "delete":
- error_log("would delete $var2");
- $thing = $splits[0];
- switch($thing) {
- case "zone":
- $deletezone = $splits[1];
- unset($newconf["zone"][$deletezone]);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $newconf;
- }
function loadConfigFile($file=null)
while($line = fgets($fp)) {
$line = trim($line);
echo "read line $line\n";
- if($line != "") $this->parseLine($line, $i++);
+ if($line != "") $this->addConfigLine($line, $i++);
- function parseLine($line, $lineno)
+ function addConfigLine($line, $lineno=0)
$expl = preg_split("/ +/", $line);
$expl = $expl_r;
+ $delete = false;
+ // check for delete on the line
+ if($expl[0] == "delete") {
+ $delete = true;
+ // re-order the array
+ for($i=0; $i < (count($expl)-1); $i++) {
+ $expl[$i] = $expl[$i+1];
+ }
+ unset($expl[count($expl)-1]);
+ }
switch($expl[0]) {
case "hostname":
// set the hostname to $1
- $this->config["hostname"] = $expl[1];
+ if($delete) {
+ unset($this->config["hostname"]);
+ } else {
+ $this->config["hostname"] = $expl[1];
+ }
case "domainname":
// set the hostname to $1
- $this->config["domainname"] = $expl[1];
+ if($delete) {
+ unset($this->config["domainname"]);
+ } else {
+ $this->config["domainname"] = $expl[1];
+ }
case "zone":
- if($hasdescription) {
- $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["description"] = $description;
+ if($delete) {
+ error_log("delete zone ".$expl[2]);
+ unset($this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]);
+ if(count($this->config["zone"]) < 1) {
+ error_log("zone now empty, delete zones");
+ unset($this->config["zone"]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["name"] = true;
- $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["name"] = true;
case "interface":
case "login":
- $this->config["login"][$expl[1]] = $expl[3];
- if($hasdescription) {
- $this->config["login"][$expl[1]]["description"] = $description;
+ if($delete) {
+ unset($this->config["login"][$expl[1]]);
+ } else {
+ $this->config["login"][$expl[1]] = $expl[3];
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["login"][$expl[1]]["description"] = $description;
+ }
case "route4":
- $route = $expl[1];
- $via = $expl[2];
- $dest = $expl[3];
- if($via == "to") {
- $this->config["route4"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ if($delete) {
+ unset($this->config["route4"][$expl[1]]);
} else {
- $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
- }
- if(isset($expl[4])) {
- if($expl[4] == "dev") {
- if(isset($expl[5])) {
- $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ $route = $expl[1];
+ $via = $expl[2];
+ $dest = $expl[3];
+ if($via == "to") {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ } else {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
+ }
+ if(isset($expl[4])) {
+ if($expl[4] == "dev") {
+ if(isset($expl[5])) {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ }
- }
- if($hasdescription) {
- $this->config["route4"][$route]["description"] = $description;
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["description"] = $description;
+ }
case "route6":
- $route = $expl[1];
- $via = $expl[2];
- $dest = $expl[3];
- if($via == "to") {
- $this->config["route6"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ if($delete) {
+ unset($this->config["route6"][$expl[1]]);
} else {
- $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
- }
- if(isset($expl[4])) {
- if($expl[4] == "dev") {
- if(isset($expl[5])) {
- $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ $route = $expl[1];
+ $via = $expl[2];
+ $dest = $expl[3];
+ if($via == "to") {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ } else {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
+ }
+ if(isset($expl[4])) {
+ if($expl[4] == "dev") {
+ if(isset($expl[5])) {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ }
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["description"] = $description;
+ }
- if($hasdescription) {
- $this->config["route6"][$route]["description"] = $description;
- }
// here we should check "$route"
echo "</table>";
-function CBFWObjectsPage()
+function CBFWObjectsPage($urls)
$comms = new Comms();
$config = $comms->getConfig();
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWObjectsDisplay");
+function CBFWObjectsDisplay()
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
+ $config = getWebUserConfig();
+ echo "<h2>Objects</h2>";
+ if(isset($config["objects"])) {
+ echo "<table>";
+ echo "<tr><th>Networks</th><th>Hosts</th><th>Services</th><th>Network Groups</th><th>Host Groups</th><th>Service Groups</th></tr>";
+ echo "</table>";
+ foreach($config["objects"] as $key => $var) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo "No objects set\n";
+ }
+ echo "<hr>";
+ echo "<table cellpadding=\"20\"><tr valign=\"top\">";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Create Network</h3><br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/network/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "IPv4 <input type=\"text\" name=\"addr4\">/<input type=\"text\" name=\"mask4\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"><br>";
+ echo "IPv6 <input type=\"text\" name=\"addr6\">/<input type=\"text\" name=\"mask6\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Add\">";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Create Host</h3><br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/host/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "IPv4 <input type=\"text\" name=\"addr4\"><br>";
+ echo "IPv6 <input type=\"text\" name=\"addr6\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Add\">";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Service</h3><br>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/host/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "Port <input type=\"text\" name=\"port\">";
+ echo "<select name=\"proto\"><option value=\"tcp\">TCP</option><option value=\"udp\">UDP</option></select><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"Add\">";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "</tr><tr>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Network Group</h3>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/networkgroup/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Host Group</h3>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/hostgroup/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo "<h3>Service Group</h3>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"$BASE_URL/objects/servicegroup/create\">";
+ echo "Name <input type=\"text\" name=\"objname\"><br>";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td>";
+ echo "</tr></table>";
function CBFWRulesPage()
$config = $comms->getConfig();
+function CBFWAdminPage($urls)
+ $comms = new Comms();
+ $config = $comms->getConfig();
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, "CBFWAdminDisplay");
+function CBFWAdminDisplay()
+<table cellpadding=10>
+<tr valign="top">
+<h3>Add User</h3>
+<form method="post" action="asdf">
+Username <input type="text" name="username"><br>
+Password <input type="password" name="pass"><br>
+Description <input type="text" name="desc"><br>
+<input type="submit" name="add" value="Add"><br>
+<h3>Network Access</h3>
+<h3>Add Access</h3>
+<form method="post" action="asdf">
+From <input type="text" name="from"> <i>either "any", an address ( or a network (</i><br>
+Interface <select><option value="something">twad</option><option name="some">craw</option></select>
+Protocols <input type="checkbox" name="http">HTTP <input type="checkbox" name="http">HTTPS <input type="checkbox" name="http">SSH<br>
+<input type="submit" name="add" value="Add"><br>
function findUrl($url_s)
case "objects":
- $bodyFunction = "CBFWObjectsPage";
+ CBFWObjectsPage($url_s);
case "rules":
$bodyFunction = "CBFWRulesPage";
case "admin":
- $bodyFunction = "CBFWAdminPage";
+ CBFWAdminPage($url_s);
$bodyFunction = findUrl($url_s);
-function CBFWAdminPage($urls)
- echo "im an admin page";
function CBFBuildHomePage($urls)
echo "Must remember this, gotta rules could apply to multiple zones not just one<br>";
// page top
echo "<h1>CBFW</h1><br>";
- echo "<table><tr width=\"100%\"><td>";
+ echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr width=\"100%\"><td>";
- echo "<td><td><align=\"right\">";
+ echo "<td><td align=\"right\">";
- echo "</align></td></tr><tr><td>";
+ echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
// menu, then body
echo "<table><tr><td>";