$this->config_file = null;
if(file_exists("../var/fw.conf")) {
$this->config_file = realpath("../var/fw.conf");
+ $this->config["status"] = "conf";
if(file_exists("/var/lib/fwd/fw.conf")) {
$this->config_file = "/var/lib/fwd/fw.conf";
+ $this->config["status"] = "conf";
if($this->config_file == null) {
$this->config["status"] = "noconf";
if(is_dir("/var/lib/fwd/")) {
+ if($this->config["status"] == "conf") {
+ $this->loadConfig($this->config_file);
+ print_r($this->config);
+ $this->config = array();
+ $this->findHardware();
+ print_r($this->config);
+ $this->applyConfig();
+ } else {
+ // we go into firstrun mode
+ }
} else {
// config comes from shm... we'll get there
+ function findHardware()
+ {
+ // first, network interfaces
+ $dh = opendir("/sys/class/net/");
+ while(($fname = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
+ if($fname != "." && $fname != ".." && $fname != "lo") {
+ $this->config["hardware"]["netdev"][$fname]["int"] = true;
+ // now read drive name if you can
+ $fp = fopen("/sys/class/net/$fname/device/uevent", "r");
+ if($fp) while(!feof($fp)) {
+ $line = trim(fgets($fp));
+ $lpl = explode("=", $line);
+ if($lpl[0] == "DRIVER") {
+ $this->config["hardware"]["netdev"][$fname]["driver"] = $lpl[1];
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function applyConfig()
+ {
+ global $AM_DAEMON;
+ if(!$AM_DAEMON) return true;
+ // oh the joy
+ return true;
+ }
+ function loadConfig($file)
+ {
+ global $AM_DAEMON;
+ if(!$AM_DAEMON) return true;
+ $fp = fopen($file, "r");
+ $i = 1;
+ while($line = fgets($fp)) {
+ $line = trim($line);
+ echo "read line $line\n";
+ if($line != "") $this->parseLine($line, $i++);
+ }
+ }
+ function parseLine($line, $lineno)
+ {
+ $expl = preg_split("/ +/", $line);
+ echo "process command ".$expl[0]."\n";
+ // find a description
+ $description = null;
+ $hasdescription = false;
+ for($i=0; $i<count($expl); $i++) {
+ if($hasdescription !== false) {
+ if($description != null) {
+ $description .= " ";
+ }
+ $description .= $expl[$i];
+ }
+ if($expl[$i] == "#") {
+ $hasdescription = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ // now rebuild the array if there was one
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ for($i=0; $i<$hasdescription; $i++) {
+ $expl_r[$i] = $expl[$i];
+ }
+ $expl = $expl_r;
+ }
+ switch($expl[0]) {
+ case "hostname":
+ // set the hostname to $1
+ $this->config["hostname"] = $expl[1];
+ break;
+ case "domainname":
+ // set the hostname to $1
+ $this->config["domainname"] = $expl[1];
+ break;
+ case "zone":
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ $this->config["zone"][$expl[2]]["name"] = true;
+ break;
+ case "interface":
+ switch($expl[1]) {
+ case "dev":
+ $int = $expl[2];
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["interface"][$int]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ switch($expl[3]) {
+ case "address4":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["address4"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "address6":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["address6"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "name":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["name"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "status":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["status"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "mtu":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["mtu"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "zone":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["zone"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "speed":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["speed"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ case "duplex":
+ $this->config["interface"]["$int"]["duplex"] = $expl[4];
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "vlan":
+ $vlanid = $expl[2];
+ $name = $expl[4];
+ $from = $expl[6];
+ $this->config["vlan"][$name]["parent"] = $from;
+ $this->config["vlan"][$name]["id"] = $vlanid;
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["vlan"][$name]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lag":
+ $name = $expl[3];
+ for($i=5; $i<count($expl); $i++) {
+ $this->config["lag"][$name][$i-5] = $expl[$i];
+ }
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["lag"][$name]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "bridge":
+ $name = $expl[3];
+ for($i=5; $i<count($expl); $i++) {
+ $this->config["bridge"][$name][$i-5] = $expl[$i];
+ }
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["bridge"][$name]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "login":
+ $this->config["login"][$expl[1]] = $expl[3];
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["login"][$expl[1]]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "route4":
+ $route = $expl[1];
+ $via = $expl[2];
+ $dest = $expl[3];
+ if($via == "to") {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ } else {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
+ }
+ if(isset($expl[4])) {
+ if($expl[4] == "dev") {
+ if(isset($expl[5])) {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["route4"][$route]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "route6":
+ $route = $expl[1];
+ $via = $expl[2];
+ $dest = $expl[3];
+ if($via == "to") {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["address"] = $dest;
+ } else {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $dest;
+ }
+ if(isset($expl[4])) {
+ if($expl[4] == "dev") {
+ if(isset($expl[5])) {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["device"] = $expl[5];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["route6"][$route]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ // here we should check "$route"
+ break;
+ case "dns":
+ if(isset($this->config["dns"]["nservers"])) {
+ $dns_servers = $this->config["dns"]["nservers"];
+ } else {
+ $dns_servers = 0;
+ }
+ if($expl[1] == "server") $this->config["dns"]["server"][$dns_servers]["address"] = $expl[2];
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["dns"]["server"][$dns_servers]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ $this->config["dns"]["nservers"] = $dns_servers+1;
+ break;
+ case "ntp":
+ if(isset($this->config["ntp"]["nservers"])) {
+ $ntp_servers = $this->config["ntp"]["nservers"];
+ } else {
+ $ntp_servers = 0;
+ }
+ if($expl[1] == "server") $this->config["ntp"]["server"][$ntp_servers]["address"] = $expl[2];
+ if($hasdescription) {
+ $this->config["ntp"]["server"][$ntp_servers]["description"] = $description;
+ }
+ $this->config["ntp"]["nservers"] = $ntp_servers+1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Errr, unknown config directive on line $lineno, $line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ function saveConfig()
+ {
+ global $AM_DAEMON;
+ if(!$AM_DAEMON) return true;
+ }
private $config_file;
private $config;
--- /dev/null
+hostname hostname
+domainname domain.name
+login admin auth $4$QqcI5xWa$Ty8Vs3aAVBwPF0IpKO5hvgUi4wA$
+zone name internet
+zone name office
+zone name tier1
+zone name tier2
+zone name tier3
+interface dev eth0 name twatter # twatter is our outbound interface
+interface dev eth1 name mixer
+interface dev twatter address4
+interface dev twatter address6 2003:12:12:12::1/64
+interface dev twatter zone internet
+interface dev mixer zone office # description
+interface dev mixer mtu 1500
+interface dev mixer speed 1000
+interface dev mixer duplex full
+interface dev mixer address4
+interface lag name mybond with eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5 eth6 # description
+interface vlan 10 name vlan10 from mybond # description
+interface bridge name mybridge with eth7 eth8 eth9 # description
+route4 default to # description
+route4 to dev mixer # description
+route4 to # description
+route6 default to fe80::1 dev twatter # description
+route6 2003:13:14:15::/64 to fe80::1 dev mixer # description
+dns server
+dns server
+dns server
+dns server # main dns server
+ntp server # main ntp server
+ntp server # secondary ntp server