var fs = require("fs");
var http = require("http");
var url = require("url");
+var path = require("path");
function maintainCache() {
// TODO i should check that im already running here and exit if i am
var headReq = url.parse(xpath);
headReq["method"] = "HEAD";
- getup = http.request(xpath, function(res) {
- res.setEncoding("utf8");
+ getup = http.request(headReq, function(res) {
+ //res.setEncoding("utf8");
if(!endData) {
console.log("status code is ", typeof res.statusCode);
endData = true;
} else {
// this is where it gets ugly
+ var filesize = res.headers["content-length"];
console.log("do ugly write: ", unify);
- getAndService(unify, xpath);
+ var metafilename = unify.fullPathDirName + "/.meta."+ path.basename(unify.requestFor) +".filesize";
+ var metafile = fs.createWriteStream(metafilename);
+ metafile.write(filesize);
+ metafile.end();
+ getAndService(unify, xpath, filesize);
exports.upstreamRequest = upstreamRequest;
-function getAndService(unify, xpath) {
+function getAndService(unify, xpath, filesize) {
+ console.log("calling in here with filesize, ", filesize)
+ unify.b.writeHead(200, {'Content-Length' : filesize});
if(typeof global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] != "undefined" && global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] == 1) {
} else {
global.repoproxy.downloads[unify.fullFilePath] = 1;
http.get(xpath, function(res) {
var file = fs.createWriteStream(unify.fullFilePath);
- console.log("res: ", res);
+ //console.log("res: ", res);
function serviceFile(unify) {
// for now, ignore range.
+ // however we need to check if a metadata file exists describing the filesize, check if its all correct
+ // and if not, erase the file (and metafile) and forward the request back to upstream request
- // file should already exist, so we just poop it out
- var inp = fs.createReadStream(unify.fullFilePath);
- //inp.setEncoding("utf8");
- inp.on("data", function(data) {
- unify.b.write(data);
- });
- inp.on("end", function(closed) {
- unify.b.end();
+ checkFile(unify, function() {
+ // file should already exist, so we just poop it out
+ var inp = fs.createReadStream(unify.fullFilePath);
+ //inp.setEncoding("utf8");
+ inp.on("data", function(data) {
+ unify.b.write(data);
+ });
+ inp.on("end", function(closed) {
+ unify.b.end();
+ });
exports.serviceFile = serviceFile;
+function checkFile(unify, callback) {
+ // in here we do the metadata checks
+ var metafilename = unify.fullPathDirName + "/.meta."+ path.basename(unify.requestFor) +".filesize";
+ fs.exists(metafilename, function(existence) {
+ if(existence) {
+ var fsizef = fs.createReadStream(metafilename);
+ var fsize = "";
+ fsizef.on("data", function(data) {
+ fsize += data;
+ });
+ fsizef.on("end", function() {
+ fs.stat(unify.fullFilePath, function(err, stats) {
+ var rfsize = stats["size"];
+ if(rfsize != fsize.trim()) {
+ // remove the file and start again
+ console.log("reported filesizes dont match, '%s', '%s', removing file and starting again", rfsize, stats["size"]);
+ try {
+ fs.unlink(metafilename, function(){
+ fs.unlink(unify.fullFilePath, function(){
+ upstreamRequest(unify);
+ })
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ upstreamRequest(unify);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we're good
+ unify.b.writeHead(200, {"Content-Length" : unify.fileSize})
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log("file, '%s' exists but has no filesize meta data, assuming it was put here manually and servicing", unify.fullFilePath);
+ unify.b.writeHead(200, {"Content-Length" : unify.fileSize})
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
function makeCacheDir(path) {
console.log("attempting to create... '%s' as '%s'", path.fullPathDirName, path.subPathDirName);
exports.routeRequest = function(req, res) {
// first, unify the request
+ console.log("request: ", req.url);
var thisQuery = unifyRequest(req, res, function(unified) {
+ console.log("unified request is ", unified);
if(unified.requestFor == "/favicon.ico") {
unified.b.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
unified.b.write("404 Not Found\n");
console.log("ERROR: something went majorly wrong with something, ", unified);
} else {
- // it doesnt exist yet, so we send it to the cache service
- console.log("file doesnt exist, upstream we go: ", unified);
- cache.upstreamRequest(unified);
+ // it doesnt exist yet, so we send it to the cache service if it matches an upstream service
+ if(typeof global.repoproxy.repo[unified.topPath] != "undefined") {
+ console.log("file doesnt exist, upstream we go: ", unified);
+ cache.upstreamRequest(unified);
+ } else {
+ unified.b.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
+ unified.b.write("404 Not Found\n");
+ unified.b.end();
+ }
-function unifyRequest(req, res, callback, testing) {
+function unifyRequest(req, res, callback) {
var unified = new Object();
var originalurl = url.parse(req.url);
//send a 302 and call it a day
res.writeHead("302", { 'Location': unified.originalReq+"/" });
- // TODO: remove this after testing
- if(testing) callback(null);
- return 302;
if(stats.isDirectory()) {
unified.isDirectory = true;
unified.isFile = false;
+ unified.fileSize = null;
} else if(stats.isFile()) {
unified.isDirectory = false;
- unified.isFile = true;
+ unified.isFile = true;
+ unified.fileSize = stats["size"];
} else {
unified.isDirectory = false;
unified.isFile = false;
+ unified.fileSize = null;
} else {
unified.exists = false;
+ unified.fileSize = null;