--- /dev/null
+$MENU_ITEMS["Zones"]["link"] = "$BASE_URL/zones";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Zones"]["name"] = "Zones";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Interfaces"]["link"] = "$BASE_URL/interfaces";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Interfaces"]["name"] = "Interfaces";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Objects"]["link"] = "$BASE_URL/objects";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Objects"]["name"] = "Objects";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Rules"]["link"] = "$BASE_URL/rules";
+$MENU_ITEMS["Rules"]["name"] = "Rules";
+// if i believed in name spacing in php, i'd use it.
+error_log("cbfwweb loaded");
+class CBFWWeb {
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ }
+ function go()
+ {
+ $url = "/";
+ $bodycontent = null;
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
+ $url = $_REQUEST["q"];
+ // ok, now we try and find the basics
+ $url_s = explode("/", $url);
+ switch($url_s[0]) {
+ case "zones":
+ $bodycontent = CBFWZonesPage($url_s);
+ break;
+ case "interfaces":
+ $bodycontent = CBFWInterfacesPage($url_s);
+ break;
+ case "objects":
+ $bodycontent = CBFWObjectsPage($url_s);
+ break;
+ case "rules":
+ $bodycontent = CBFWRulesPage($url_s);
+ break;
+ default:
+ $bodycontent = findUrl($url_s);
+ }
+ }
+ CBFWpageBuilder(null, null, $bodycontent);
+ }
+function CBFWMenuBuilder()
+ global $BASE_URL, $MENU_ITEMS;
+ ksort($MENU_ITEMS);
+ ?>
+<table border="1"><tr><th>Menu</th><td>
+<a href="<?php echo $BASE_URL ?>">Home</a></td>
+ <?php
+ foreach($MENU_ITEMS as $key => $val) {
+ $link = $val["link"];
+ $name = $val["name"];
+ echo "<td><a href=$link>$name</a></td>";
+ }
+ echo "</table>";
+// just a short one to call the long one
+function gcam($m, $s)
+ global $glconfig;
+ CBFWAddMessage($m, $s);
+function CBFWAddMessage($messagelev, $message)
+function CBFWMessageBuilder()
+function CBFWpageBuilder($bodyClass, $bodyFunction, $bodycontent=null, $title="CBFW")
+ global $WEB_ROOT_FS, $BASE_URL;
+ // TODO: load css
+ // header
+ echo "<html><head><title>$title</title>";
+ // load css
+ if(file_exists("$WEB_ROOT_FS/css")) {
+ $dh = opendir("$WEB_ROOT_FS/css");
+ if($dh) {
+ while(($file = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ $mt = preg_match("/.*.css$/", $file);
+ if($mt > 0) {
+ error_log("loading css $file");
+ echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$BASE_URL/css/$file\">";
+ //echo "required $basedir/$file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // load js
+ if(file_exists("$WEB_ROOT_FS/js")) {
+ $dh = opendir("$WEB_ROOT_FS/js");
+ if($dh) {
+ while(($file = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ $mt = preg_match("/.*.js$/", $file);
+ if($mt > 0) {
+ error_log("loading js $file");
+ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$BASE_URL/js/$file\"></script>";
+ //echo "required $basedir/$file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // start body
+ echo "</head><body>";
+ // page top
+ echo "<h1>CBFW</h1><br>";
+ echo "<table><tr><td>";
+ CBFWMessageBuilder();
+ echo "<td></tr><tr><td>";
+ // menu, then body
+ echo "<table><tr><td>";
+ CBFWMenuBuilder();
+ echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
+ // body
+ $url = "/";
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
+ $url = $_REQUEST["q"];
+ }
+ if($bodyClass != null) {
+ $bodyClass->$bodyFunction($url);
+ } else if( $bodyFunction != null) {
+ $bodyFunction($url);
+ } else echo $bodycontent;
+ echo "</td></tr></table>";
+ // close the big wrap-around table
+ echo "</td></tr></table>";
+ // footer
+ echo "<br><font size=\"-1\">Copyright 2011, PJR</font><br></body></html>";
+function cbfw_getLastSeen($ip, $data)
+ $last = "never";
+ if(!$data) return $last;
+ foreach($data as $key=>$val) {
+ $last = $val["name"];
+ error_log("got $last for $ip");
+ }
+ if($last == "never") return $last;
+ $last = cbfw_tdiffToAgo(time()-$last);
+ error_log("last for $ip set to $last");
+ return $last;
+function cbfw_tdiffToAgo($time_in_sec)
+ $tdiff = $time_in_sec;
+ $tdiff_min = (int)($tdiff/60);
+ $tdiff_hour = (int)($tdiff/3600);
+ $tdiff_days = (int)($tdiff/86400);
+ if($tdiff < 60) $last = "Less then a minute";
+ if($tdiff >= 60 && $tdiff < 7200) $last = "$tdiff_min minutes ago";
+ if($tdiff >= 7200 && $tdiff < 86400) $last = "$tdiff_hour hours ago";
+ if($tdiff >= 86400) $last = "$tdiff_days days ago";
+ return $last;
+function cbfw_isRemoteDir($url)
+ file_get_contents($url);
+ //error_log("did file_get_contents on $url");
+ foreach($http_response_header as $key => $val) {
+ //error_log("got header of $key for $val");
+ if(preg_match("/.*Location:.*/", $val)) {
+ //error_log("in details apt got location as $val from $url");
+ $realloc = preg_replace("/.*: /", "", $val);
+ $urlwithslash = $url."/";
+ //echo "<br>in comp with<br>$urlwithslash<br>$realloc<br>";
+ if(strcasecmp($realloc,$urlwithslash)==0) {
+ //error_log("I believe $realloc is a directory redir for $url");
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ //error_log("I dont believe $realloc is a directory redir for $url");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function cbfw_fileExists($url)
+ $fp = fopen($url, "r");
+ //error_og("did file_get_contents on $url");
+ $retval = false;
+ foreach($http_response_header as $key => $val) {
+ //error_log("got header of $key for $val");
+ if(preg_match("/.*HTTP\/.*200.*/", $val)) {
+ //echo "is true\n";
+ $retval = true;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ return $retval;
+function cbfw_startInstaller()
+ global $WEB_ROOT_FS, $BASE_URL;
+ $uid = posix_geteuid();
+ $gid = posix_getegid();
+ $uid_a = posix_getpwuid($uid);
+ $uid = $uid_a["name"];
+ $gid_a = posix_getgrgid($gid);
+ $gid = $gid_a["name"];
+ error_log("user id is $uid, group id is $gid");
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["installdir"])) {
+ $c = new CBFWConfig();
+ touch($_REQUEST["installdir"]."/webconfig");
+ $c->loadConfig($_REQUEST["installdir"]."/webconfig");
+ header("Location: index.php");
+ return;
+ }
+ $underroot = realpath($WEB_ROOT_FS."/../");
+<h1>Welcome to CBFW</h1>
+Welcome to CBFW, I cant find my configuration file so im assuming you installing me for the first time<br>
+If this is not correct then we have a big problem that needs to be solved, i hope you have a backup of the old
+config, cause that will make life easier.<br><br>
+However, if this is the first time you have run this app, then all is good with the world. All I need right
+now is a place where i can store my config. I search the following directories for the location of my
+configuration (webconfig)<br>
+<li> /var/run/glcas/
+<li> /var/lib/glcas/
+<li> <?php echo $underroot?>/var/glcas/
+As root, you must now create one of these directories and change the ownership of the directory to the web owner.
+(chown <?php echo $uid?>:<?php echo $gid ?> the_path_you_choose).<br>
+Now, tell me where you want me to create the webconfig file:<br>
+<form method="post">
+<select name="installdir">
+<option value="/var/run/glcas">/var/run/glcas</option>
+<option value="/var/lib/glcas">/var/lib/glcas</option>
+<option value="<?php echo $underroot?>/var/glcas/"><?php echo $underroot?>/var/glcas/</option>
+<input type="submit" name="Go" value="Go">
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file