var fs = require("fs");
+var http = require("http");
+var url = require("url");
function maintainCache() {
// TODO i should check that im already running here and exit if i am
setInterval(maintainCache, cacheTimer);
+function upstreamRequest(unify, callback) {
+ // first do a head request
+ console.log("upsteram as ", unify.requestFor);
+ var splpath = unify.requestFor.split("/");
+ var topdir = splpath[1];
+ var toppath = "";
+ for(var i=2; i < splpath.length; i++) {
+ if(toppath == "") {
+ toppath = splpath[i];
+ } else {
+ toppath += "/" + splpath[i];
+ }
+ }
+ console.log("uppath = '%s' and '%s'", topdir, toppath);
+ if(typeof global.repoproxy.repo[topdir] != "undefined") {
+ console.log("which is ", global.repoproxy.repo[topdir]);
+ console.log("so upstream is, ", global.repoproxy.repo[topdir].url + toppath);
+ }
+exports.upstreamRequest = upstreamRequest;
// the service file routine .... PLEASE KILL ME!
-function serviceFile(reqpath, res, range) {
+function serviceFile(unify) {
// for now, ignore range.
+ // file should already exist, so we just poop it out
+ var inp = fs.createReadStream(unify.fullFilePath);
+ inp.setEncoding("utf8");
+ inp.on("data", function(data) {
+ unify.b.write(data);
+ });
- fs.exists(reqpath, function(exists) {
- if(exists) {
- var inp = fs.createReadStream(reqpath);
- inp.setEncoding("utf8");
- inp.on("data", function(data) {
- res.write(data);
- });
+ inp.on("end", function(closed) {
+ unify.b.end();
+ });
+exports.serviceFile = serviceFile;
+function serviceDirectory(unify) {
+ var nfiles = 0;
+ var res = unify.b;
+ res.write("<html><h1>Directory listing for " + unify.originalReq + "</h1><hr><pre>");
+ if(unify.fullFilePath != "/") res.write("<a href=\"..\">Parent</a>\n\n");
+ fs.readdir(unify.fullFilePath, function(err, files) {
+ console.log("doing directory listing on: ", unify.fullFilePath);
+ if(err == null) {
+ // TODO: make this work asynchronously...
+ for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
+ // avoiding statSync is too hard for now, will fix later TODO: fix this sync bit
+ var stats = fs.statSync(unify.fullFilePath+"/"+files[i]);
- inp.on("end", function(closed) {
- res.end();
- });
- } else {
+ if(files[i].match(/^\..*/) == null) {
+ if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+ res.write("Directory: <a href=\""+files[i]+"/\">"+files[i]+"/</a>\n");
+ nfiles++;
+ } else if(stats.isFile()) {
+ var padlength = 80 - (files[i].length) - stats.size.toString().length;
+ var padding = "";
+ if(padlength > 0) {
+ padding = new Array(padlength).join(" ");
+ }
+ res.write("File: <a href=\""+files[i]+"\">"+files[i]+"</a>"+padding+stats.size+" bytes\n");
+ nfiles++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log("ignoring file, ", files[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(nfiles == 0) res.write("Empty directory....\n");
- // TODO, we need to send this upstream, if its upstream we go up.
- res.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
- res.write("404 Not Found\n");
+ res.write("<hr></pre>");
+ res.end();
+ } else {
+ res.write("we have entered bizaro world...\n");
+ res.write("</pre>");
-exports.serviceFile = serviceFile;
+exports.serviceDirectory = serviceDirectory;
\ No newline at end of file
var url = require("url");
var fs = require("fs");
var cache = require("./cache.js");
+var path = require("path");
exports.routeRequest = function(req, res) {
- // first, strip a /pub/ off the front if it exists
- var originalurl = url.parse(req.url);
- var range = 0;
- thisurl = originalurl.pathname.replace(/^\/pub/, "");
- console.log("pathname now: ", thisurl);
- //if(thisurl.pathname == "") thisurl.pathname = "/";
- var reqpath = global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/" + thisurl;
- console.log("request on '%s'", reqpath);
- // see what we're dealing with
- fs.stat(reqpath, function(err, stat) {
- console.log("err is ", err);
- console.log("stat is ", stat);
- console.log("fs.stats is ", fs.stats);
- if(err == null) {
- if(stat.isDirectory()) {
- if(originalurl.pathname.charAt(originalurl.pathname.length-1) != "/") {
- // redirect to url + "/"
- res.writeHead("302", { "Location": originalurl.pathname+"/" });
- res.end();
- } else {
- writeDirectoryListing(reqpath, originalurl.pathname, res);
- }
+ // first, unify the request
+ var thisQuery = unifyRequest(req, res, function(unified) {
+ if(unified.exists) {
+ if(unified.isFile) {
+ cache.serviceFile(unified);
+ } else if(unified.isDirectory) {
+ cache.serviceDirectory(unified);
} else {
- if(stat.isFile()) {
- cache.serviceFile(reqpath, res, range);
- }
+ console.log("ERROR: something went majorly wrong with something, ", unified);
} else {
- // go upstream..
- cache.serviceFile(reqpath, res, range);
+ // it doesnt exist yet, so we send it to the cache service
+ console.log("file doesnt exist, upstream we go: ", unified);
+ cache.upstreamRequest(unified, function(err) {
+ if(err == null) {
+ cache.watchAndService(unfied);
+ } // if upstream sends anything other then a 200, cache.upstreamRequest will handle it (i.e. 302, 404, etc)
+ });
- });
+ });
-function writeDirectoryListing(reqpath, requesturi, res) {
- res.write("<html><h1>Directory listing for " + requesturi + "</h1><hr><pre>");
- if(requesturi != "/") res.write("<a href=\"..\">Parent</a>\n\n");
- fs.readdir(reqpath, function(err, files) {
- console.log("doing directory listing on: ", reqpath);
+function unifyRequest(req, res, callback, testing) {
+ var unified = new Object();
+ var originalurl = url.parse(req.url);
+ // create the base unified object
+ unified.a = req;
+ unified.b = res;
+ // create the request url
+ // remove /pub if it exists
+ unified.requestFor = originalurl.pathname.replace(/^\/pub/, "");
+ unified.originalReq = originalurl.pathname;
+ // create the full file path by spanning the cachedir
+ unified.fullFilePath = (global.repoproxy.cacheDir + "/" + originalurl.pathname.replace(/^\/pub/, "")).replace(/\/+/g, "/");
+ // determine if the request is for a directory
+ if(unified.requestFor.match(/\/$/) != null) {
+ unified.isDirectoryRequest = true;
+ unified.fullPathDirName = unified.fullFilePath;
+ } else {
+ unified.isDirectoryRequest = false;
+ unified.fullPathDirName = path.dirname(unified.fullFilePath);
+ }
+ // determine the topPath, subpath etc.
+ var spl = unified.requestFor.split("/");
+ unified.topPath = spl[1];
+ unified.subPath = "";
+ if(spl.length > 2) {
+ for(var i=2; i < spl.length; i++) {
+ if(unified.subPath == "") unified.subPath = spl[i];
+ else unified.subPath += "/" + spl[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ unified.subPath = null;
+ }
+ fs.stat(unified.fullFilePath, function(err, stats) {
if(err == null) {
+ unified.exists = true;
+ if(stats.isDirectory() && !unified.isDirectoryRequest) {
+ //send a 302 and call it a day
+ res.writeHead("302", { 'Location': unified.originalReq+"/" });
+ res.end();
+ // TODO: remove this after testing
+ if(testing) callback(null);
+ return 302;
+ }
- // TODO: make this work asynchronously...
- if(files.length == 0) {
- res.write("Empty Directory....\b");
+ if(stats.isDirectory()) {
+ unified.isDirectory = true;
+ unified.isFile = false;
+ } else if(stats.isFile()) {
+ unified.isDirectory = false;
+ unified.isFile = true;
} else {
- for(var i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
- // avoiding statSync is too hard for now, will fix later TODO: fix this sync bit
- var stats = fs.statSync(reqpath+"/"+files[i]);
- if(stats.isDirectory()) {
- res.write("Directory: <a href=\""+files[i]+"/\">"+files[i]+"/</a>\n");
- } else if(stats.isFile()) {
- var padlength = 80 - (files[i].length) - stats.size.toString().length;
- var padding = "";
- if(padlength > 0) {
- padding = new Array(padlength).join(" ");
- }
- res.write("File: <a href=\""+files[i]+"\">"+files[i]+"</a>"+padding+stats.size+" bytes\n");
- }
- }
+ unified.isDirectory = false;
+ unified.isFile = false;
- res.write("<hr></pre>");
- res.end();
} else {
- res.write("we have entered bizaro world...\n");
- res.write("</pre>");
- res.end();
+ unified.exists = false;
+ callback(unified);
\ No newline at end of file
+ return 0;
+exports.unifyRequest = unifyRequest;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+var router = require("../lib/router.js");
+global.repoproxy = new Object();
+global.repoproxy.cacheDir = "./cache";
+var paths = new Array();
+var i = 0;
+paths[0] ="/pub/something/";
+paths[1] ="/pub/something";
+paths[2] ="/pub/fedora";
+paths[3] ="/pub/fedora/";
+paths[4] ="/pub/ts.js";
+paths[5] ="/ts.js";
+paths[6] ="/fedora";
+paths[7] = "/fedora/";
+paths[8] = "/";
+paths[9] = "/fedora/some/directory/in/here/";
+paths[10] = "/fedora/some/directory/in/here/file";
+function trial(path) {
+ console.log("\n\n\n\n\nBEGIN TEST on '%s'", path);
+ var req = new Object();
+ var res = new Object();
+ req.url = path;
+ res.writeHead = function(n, o) {
+ console.log("write head for: ", n);
+ console.log("and o: ",o);
+ }
+ res.end = function() {
+ return;
+ }
+ var result = router.unifyRequest(req, res, function(uni) {
+ console.log("I is ", i);
+ console.log("Uni is ", uni);
+ console.log("from path: ", path);
+ i++;
+ if(typeof paths[i] != "undefined") trial(paths[i]);
+ }, true);