moved bgp test harness to its own repo
authorPaul J R <>
Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:48:30 +0000 (00:48 +1000)
committerPaul J R <>
Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:48:30 +0000 (00:48 +1000)
bgpfake/bf.js [deleted file]
bgpfake/bf2.js [deleted file]
bgpfake/bgp_stuff [deleted file]
bgpfake/bgp_stuff2 [deleted file]

diff --git a/bgpfake/bf.js b/bgpfake/bf.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a8a66e3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-var myas=4321;
-var myip="";
-var number_of_route_adverts = 6;
-var routes_per_advert = 4;
-var net = require('net');
-var updateSent = 0;
-var scon;
-function createentry(i) {
-       // split into octets
-       var a = 0;
-       var b = 0;
-       var c = 0;
-       var x = 45<<16;
-       //console.log("var x is "+x);
-       i = i+x;
-       //console.log("i now: "+i+" i>>8 "+i+" i>>16 "+(i>>16));
-       c = i&255;
-       b = (i>>8)&255;
-       a = (i>>16)&255;
-       //console.log("created "+a+"."+b+"."+c+" from "+i);
-       return a+"."+b+"."+c;
-function createaspath(i) {
-       var n=(i%5)+2;
-       var as = 1024;
-       var ret = new Array();
-       for(var t=0; t<n; t++) {
-               i = i << 1;
-               as = 1024 + (i%30000);
-               ret[t] = as;
-       }
-       return ret;
-var data = new Array();
-console.log("start construction");
-for(var t=0; t<number_of_route_adverts; t++) {
-       var thisdata = new Array();
-       //var retvuf = new Buffer(1);
-       for(var b=0; b<routes_per_advert; b++) {
-               var nvt = (t*routes_per_advert)+b;
-               thisdata[0] = createentry(nvt);
-               //console.log("create entry from "+thisdata[0]+" with " + t);
-               if(b==0) thisdata[1] = createaspath(nvt);
-               // we construct the update messages while we do this
-               // ok, that was dumb
-               if(b>0) thisdata[2] += constructUpdateMessage(thisdata, true, routes_per_advert);
-               else thisdata[2] = constructUpdateMessage(thisdata, false, routes_per_advert);
-       }
-       console.log("thisdata is...");
-       console.log(thisdata);
-       //console.log(thisdata.toJSON());
-       console.log(thisdata[2].length);
-       console.log(thisdata[2].toString());
-       data[t] = thisdata;
-console.log("finish construction");
-//console.log("data: " + data.toString());
-//console.log("Done!: " + data.length);
-function parseBuffer(b, c) {
-       var len = b.readUInt16BE(16);
-       var type = b.readUInt8(18);
-       //console.log("got input: " + len + ", type: " + type);
-       if(type == 1) {
-               var vers = b.readUInt8(19);
-               var as = b.readUInt16BE(20);
-               var ht = b.readUInt16BE(22);
-               var ot1 = b.readUInt8(24);
-               var ot2 = b.readUInt8(25);
-               var ot3 = b.readUInt8(26);
-               var ot4 = b.readUInt8(27);
-               var opl = b.readUInt8(28);
-               console.log("got open type, vers: "+vers+", as: " + as);
-               console.log("ht: " + ht + ", id: "+ot1+"."+ot2+"."+ot3+"."+ot4+", opl: "+opl);
-               console.log("sending our open type");
-               var out = new Buffer(29);
-               out.fill(0xff, 0, 16);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(29, 16);
-               out.writeUInt8(1, 18);
-               out.writeUInt8(4, 19);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(myas, 20);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(90, 22);
-               out.writeUInt8(10, 24);
-               out.writeUInt8(99, 25);
-               out.writeUInt8(99, 26);
-               out.writeUInt8(1,27);
-               out.writeUInt8(0,28);
-               c.write(out);
-       } else if(type == 4) {
-               console.log("writing keepalive - exact as sent");
-               c.write(b);
-               //if(updateSent ==0) beginUpdateSend(c);
-       } else if(type == 2) {
-               console.log("got update...");
-               if(updateSent ==0) beginUpdateSend(c);
-       } else {
-               console.log("sending end...");
-               c.end();
-       }
-// this function gets prefix t from data[] and then
-// creates an update message for it
-function constructUpdateMessage(localdata, onlynlri, n_up) {
-       console.log("Construction update for "+t);
-       var bsize = 0;
-       console.log("localdata0: " + localdata[0]);
-       console.log("localdata1: " + localdata[1]);
-       console.log("localdata0 - : " + typeof localdata[1]);
-       console.log("localdata1 - : " + typeof localdata[1]);
-       // first the header components
-       bsize += 16;
-       // next the length component
-       bsize += 2;
-       // next the n unfeasible
-       bsize += 2;
-       // next, path attr length
-       bsize += 2;
-       // now we begin the path attrs
-       // first origin - simple
-       var aspathn = 4;
-       // next as path - hard, flag + type + len + aspath segment
-       aspathn += 3;
-       // as path segment size = 1 (type), + 1 (len) + as's*2
-       var aspathlen = ((localdata[1].length+1)*2)+1+1;
-       aspathn += aspathlen;
-       // now next hop attrs = flag (1) + type (1) + len (1) + octets (4);
-       aspathn += 7;
-       bsize += aspathn;
-       // now nlri = prefix len (1) + prefix fixed in our case (3)
-       bsize += 4;
-       // fudge
-       bsize+=1;
-       // now figure out t_bsize;
-       var t_bsize = bsize + (4*(n_up-1));
-       //console.log("size: " + bsize + ", an: " + aspathn + " al:" + aspathlen);
-       var buf = new Buffer(bsize);
-       var bp = 0;
-       // now lets create the buffer
-       buf.fill(0xff, bp, bp+16);
-       bp+=16;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(t_bsize, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(0, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(aspathn, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       // path attr
-       // origin
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(0, bp);
-       bp++;
-       // as path
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(aspathlen, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(localdata[1].length+1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       //console.log("writing in my aspath: "+myas);
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(myas, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       localdata[1].forEach(function (ed) {
-               //console.log("writing in aspath: "+ed);
-               buf.writeUInt16BE(ed, bp);
-               bp+=2;
-       });
-       // next hop
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(3, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(4, bp);
-       bp++;
-       myip.split(".").forEach(function (ed) {
-               //console.log("writing in next hop info: " + ed);
-               buf.writeUInt8(parseInt(ed), bp);
-               bp++;
-       }); 
-       // last, nlri
-       if(onlynlri) {
-               console.log("constructing new buffer for only nlri");
-               buf = new Buffer(4);
-               bp = 0;
-       }
-       buf.writeUInt8(24, bp);
-       bp++;
-       localdata[0].split(".").forEach(function(ed){
-               console.log("Writing in nlri: "+ed);
-               buf.writeUInt8(parseInt(ed), bp);
-               bp++;
-       });
-       console.log("buf is:");
-       console.log(buf);
-       console.log(buf.length);
-       return buf;
-// start sending updates messages
-function beginUpdateSend(c) {
-       updateSent = 1;
-       var n = 0;
-       data.forEach(function(led) {
-               c.write(led[2]);
-               n++;
-       });
-       console.log("finished publishing - "+n);
-function serverconnection(c) {
-       scon = c;
-       c.on("end", function() {
-               console.log("Server disconnected");
-       });
-       c.on("data", function(buffer) {
-               parseBuffer(buffer, c);
-       });
-       console.log("Service connected from: " + c.remoteAddress);
-       //c.write("hello\r\n");
-console.log("Prefixes created, starting server");
-var server = net.createServer(serverconnection);
-server.listen(179, function() {
-       console.log("Server bound");
diff --git a/bgpfake/bf2.js b/bgpfake/bf2.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b9c0220..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,710 +0,0 @@
-var readline = require('readline');
-var net = require('net');
-// ---- vars
-var asPaths = new Array();
-var readyToSend = false;
-var currentPrompt;
-var rl;
-var nCons = 0;
-var nSent = 0;
-var myAS;
-var myIP;
-var server;
-var cState = "starting";
-var currentIPa = 1;
-var currentIPb = 0;
-var currentIPc = 0;
-var timerIntervalObject;
-var currentCon = 0;
-var sequentialIPs = true;
-var usePrivateRanges = false;
-var randomNextHop = false;
-var timeBetweenUpdates = 20;
-var routesPerUpdate = 100;
-var updatesPerInterval = 40;
-// ---- vars
-if(typeof process.argv[2] == "undefined") {
-       usage();
-if(typeof process.argv[3] == "undefined") {
-       usage();
-function usage() {
-       console.log("Usage: "+process.argv[1]+" MyAS MyIP");
-       process.exit(1);
-// ----------- startup
-myAS = process.argv[2];
-myIP = process.argv[3];
-cState = "idle";
-// ----------- startup
-// --------- CLI
-function updatePrompt() {
-       currentPrompt = "("+myAS+"/"+myIP+") "+cState+":"+nCons+"/"+nSent+" ("+currentIPa+"."+currentIPb+"."+currentIPc+") > ";
-function startCLI() {
-       currentPrompt = "("+myAS+"/"+myIP+") starting... > ";
-       rl = readline.createInterface({
-                 input: process.stdin,
-                 output: process.stdout
-               });
-       rl.on('line', function (cmd) {
-               switch(cmd) {
-               case "?":
-               case "help":
-               case "h":
-                       printCLIUsage();
-                       break;
-               case "r":
-                       currentIPa = 1;
-                       currentIPb = 0;
-                       currentIPc = 0;
-                       break;
-               case "a":
-                       togglePrivateRange();
-                       break;
-               case "t":
-                       toggleIPChoice();
-                       break;
-               case "m":
-                       toggleRandomNextHop();
-                       break;
-               case "s":
-                       printStatus();
-                       break;
-               case "u":
-                       startUpdates();
-                       break;
-               case "p":
-                       stopUpdates();
-                       break;
-               case "q":
-               case "quit":
-               case "end":
-                         rl.close();
-                         process.exit(0);
-                         break;
-               case "":
-                       break;
-               }
-               doPrompt();
-       });
-function printStatus() {
-       console.log("---- Status ----");
-       console.log("Currently "+cState);
-       console.log("Private ranges: "+usePrivateRanges);
-       console.log("Sequential publication: "+sequentialIPs);
-       console.log("Random NextHop: "+randomNextHop);
-       console.log("Number of connected peers: " + nCons);
-       console.log("Number of routes published: " + nSent);
-       console.log("My IP address: " + myIP);
-       console.log("My ASN: " + myAS);
-       console.log("Current IP (for sequential publications): " + currentIPa + "." + currentIPb + "." + currentIPc + "0/24");
-       console.log("AS path table size: "+asPaths.length);
-function togglePrivateRange() {
-       if(usePrivateRanges) {
-               console.log("Switching off private range publication");
-               usePrivateRanges = false;
-       } else {
-               console.log("Switching on private range publication");
-               usePrivateRanges = true;
-       }
-function toggleIPChoice() {
-       if(sequentialIPs) {
-               sequentialIPs = false;
-               console.log("Switching to random IP addresses");
-       } else {
-               console.log("Switching to sequential IP addresses");
-               sequentialIPs = true;
-       }
-function toggleRandomNextHop() {
-       if(randomNextHop) {
-               randomNextHop = false;
-               console.log("Switching form random next-hop to next-hop-self");
-       } else {
-               randomNextHop = true;
-               console.log("Switching form next-hop-self to random next-hop");
-       }
-function doPrompt() {
-       updatePrompt();
-       rl.setPrompt(currentPrompt);
-       rl.prompt();    
-function printCLIUsage() {
-       console.log("Help");
-       console.log("\th[elp],? - this help menu");     
-       console.log("\tu - start sending route updates to connected peers");
-       console.log("\tp - pause sending route updates to connected peers");
-       console.log("\ta - toggle use of private ranges");
-       console.log("\tm - toggle between random next hop and my ip as next hop (randomise last octet - assumes /24 on the ip address of this node)");
-       console.log("\ts - status");
-       console.log("\tt - toggles between random and sequential addressing");
-       console.log("\tr - reset IP range back to beginning");
-       console.log("\tq[uit],exit,end - Quit");
-       console.log("Prompt layout");
-       console.log("\t(AS/IP) state:connections/updates-sent (current-route)");
-function updateState(newstate) {
-       if(cState == newstate) {
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       //starting
-       if(newstate == "starting") {
-               cState = newstate;
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       // idle
-       if(newstate == "idle") {
-               cState = newstate;
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       // connected
-       if(newstate == "connected") {
-               cState = newstate;
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       // ready
-       if(newstate == "ready") {
-               if(cState == "sending") return;
-               cState = newstate;
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       // sending
-       if(newstate == "sending") {
-               cState = newstate;
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-       if(newstate == "stopping") {
-               cState = "stopping";
-               doPrompt();
-               return;
-       }
-// ------------- CLI
-//------------- network
-function startUpdates() {
-       if(cState == "sending") {
-               console.log("LOG: already sending...");
-               return;
-       }
-       if(cState != "ready") {
-               console.log("LOG: not ready to send yet");
-               return;
-       }
-       // here goes nothing
-       console.log("LOG: starting update sending");
-       updateState("sending");
-       timerIntervalObject = setInterval(sendUpdate, timeBetweenUpdates);
-       //console.log("LOG: stopped sending updates");
-function sendUpdate()
-       if(cState != "sending") {
-               console.log("oh, your killing me now?");
-               clearInterval(timerIntervalObject);
-               updateState("ready");
-       } else {
-               for(var i=0; i<updatesPerInterval; i++) {
-                       var msg = constructUpdateMessage(routesPerUpdate);
-                       currentCon.write(msg);
-               }
-       }
-function stopUpdates() {
-       if(cState != "sending") {
-               console.log("LOG: not in a sending state, cant pause.");
-               return;
-       }
-       updateState("stopping");
-function serverconnection(c) {
-       scon = c;
-       c.on("end", function() {
-               //console.log("Server disconnected");
-               nCons--;
-               if(nCons < 1) {
-                       cState = "idle";
-                       doPrompt();
-               }
-               currentCon = 0;
-       });
-       c.on("data", function(buffer) {
-               parseBuffer(buffer, c);
-       });
-       currentCon = c;
-       cState = "connected";
-       nCons++;
-       doPrompt();
-       console.log("LOG: connection from "+c.remoteAddress);
-       doPrompt();
-       //c.write("hello\r\n");
-function startServer() {
-       server = net.createServer(serverconnection);
-       server.listen(179, function() {
-               //console.log("LOG: Server bound");
-               doPrompt();
-       });
-//------------- network
-// -------------- BGP 
-function getRandomNextHop() {
-       ipa = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*120);
-       ipb = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*254);
-       ipc = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*254);
-       ipd = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*254);
-       return ipa+"."+ipb+"."+ipc+"."+ipd;
-function getNextIP() {
-       // split into octets
-       //var currentIPa = 1;
-       //var currentIPb = 0;
-       //var currentIPc = 0;
-       if(sequentialIPs) {
-               currentIPc++;
-               if(currentIPc > 254) {
-                       currentIPb++;
-                       currentIPc = 0;
-                       if(!usePrivateRanges) if(currentIPb == 168 && currentIPa == 192) currentIPb++;
-                       if(currentIPb > 254) {
-                               currentIPa++;
-                               currentIPb = 0;
-                               // dont publish bogons or 127
-                               if(!usePrivateRanges) {
-                                       if(currentIPa == 10) currentIPa++;
-                                       if(currentIPa == 127) currentIPa++;
-                                       if(currentIPa == 128) currentIPa++;                     
-                                       if(currentIPa == 172) currentIPa++;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               if(currentIPa > 223) {
-                       console.log("LOG: hit the end of the range, wrapping");
-                       currentIPa = 1;
-                       currentIPb = 0;
-                       currentIPc = 0;
-               }
-               //console.log("created "+a+"."+b+"."+c+" from "+i);
-               return currentIPa+"."+currentIPb+"."+currentIPc;
-       } else {
-               ipa = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*223);
-               ipb = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*254);
-               ipc = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*254);
-               if(!usePrivateRanges) {
-                       if(ipb == 168 && ipa == 192) ipb++;
-                       if(ipa == 10) ipa++;
-                       if(ipa == 127) ipa++;
-                       if(ipa == 128) ipa++;                   
-                       if(ipa == 172) ipa++;
-               }                       
-               return ipa+"."+ipb+"."+ipc;
-       }
-function getASPath() {
-       var n = Math.random();
-       return asPaths[Math.round(asPaths.length*n)];
-function constructUpdateMessage(n_up) {
-       var bsize = 0;
-       var aspath = getASPath();
-       //console.log("aspath is");
-       //console.log(aspath);
-       // first the header components
-       bsize += 16;
-       // next the length component
-       bsize += 2;
-       // next the n unfeasible
-       bsize += 2;
-       // next, path attr length
-       bsize += 2;
-       // now we begin the path attrs
-       // first origin - simple
-       var aspathn = 4;
-       // next as path - hard, flag + type + len + aspath segment
-       aspathn += 3;
-       // as path segment size = 1 (type), + 1 (len) + as's*2
-       var aspathlen = ((aspath.length+1)*2)+1+1;
-       aspathn += aspathlen;
-       // now next hop attrs = flag (1) + type (1) + len (1) + octets (4);
-       aspathn += 7;
-       bsize += aspathn;
-       // now nlri = prefix len (1) + prefix fixed in our case (3)
-       bsize += 4*n_up;
-       // fudge
-       bsize+=1;
-       //console.log("size: " + bsize + ", an: " + aspathn + " al:" + aspathlen);
-       var buf = new Buffer(bsize);
-       var bp = 0;
-       // now lets create the buffer
-       buf.fill(0xff, bp, bp+16);
-       bp+=16;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(bsize, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(0, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(aspathn, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       // path attr
-       // origin
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(0, bp);
-       bp++;
-       // as path
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(aspathlen, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(2, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(aspath.length+1, bp);
-       bp++;
-       //console.log("writing in my aspath: "+myas);
-       buf.writeUInt16BE(myAS, bp);
-       bp+=2;
-       aspath.forEach(function (ed) {
-               //console.log("writing in aspath: "+ed);
-               buf.writeUInt16BE(ed, bp);
-               bp+=2;
-       });
-       // next hop
-       buf.writeUInt8(0x40, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(3, bp);
-       bp++;
-       buf.writeUInt8(4, bp);
-       bp++;
-//     if(randomNextHop) {
-//             rnh = getRandomNextHop();
-//             rnh.split(".").forEach(function (ed) {
-//                     //console.log("writing in next hop info: " + ed);
-//                     buf.writeUInt8(parseInt(ed), bp);
-//                     bp++;
-//             });
-       myIP.split(".").forEach(function (ed) {
-               //console.log("writing in next hop info: " + ed);
-               buf.writeUInt8(parseInt(ed), bp);
-               bp++;
-       });
-       if(randomNextHop) {
-               nhns = Math.round(1+(Math.random()*250));
-               bp--
-               buf.writeUInt8(nhns, bp);
-               bp++;
-       }
-       // last, nlri
-       for(var nn=0; nn < n_up; nn++) {
-               //console.log("bsize: "+bsize+" bp "+bp);
-               buf.writeUInt8(24, bp);
-               bp++;
-               var ip = getNextIP();
-               ip.split(".").forEach(function(ed){
-                       //console.log("Writing in nlri: "+ed);
-                       buf.writeUInt8(parseInt(ed), bp);
-                       bp++;
-               });
-       }
-       nSent += n_up;
-       //console.log("buf is:");
-       //console.log(buf);
-       //console.log(buf.length);
-       return buf;
-function createAsPathArray(size) {
-       for(var i=0; i<size; i++) {
-               asPaths[i] = createaspath(i);
-       }
-function createaspath(i) {
-       var n=(i%5)+2;
-       var as = 1024;
-       var ret = new Array();
-       for(var t=0; t<n; t++) {
-               i = i << 1;
-               as = 1024 + (i%30000);
-               ret[t] = as;
-       }
-       return ret;
-function parseBuffer(b, c) {
-       var len = b.readUInt16BE(16);
-       var type = b.readUInt8(18);
-       //console.log("got input: " + len + ", type: " + type);
-       if(type == 1) {
-               var vers = b.readUInt8(19);
-               var as = b.readUInt16BE(20);
-               var ht = b.readUInt16BE(22);
-               var ot1 = b.readUInt8(24);
-               var ot2 = b.readUInt8(25);
-               var ot3 = b.readUInt8(26);
-               var ot4 = b.readUInt8(27);
-               var opl = b.readUInt8(28);
-               //console.log("got open type, vers: "+vers+", as: " + as);
-               //console.log("ht: " + ht + ", id: "+ot1+"."+ot2+"."+ot3+"."+ot4+", opl: "+opl);
-               //console.log("sending our open type");
-               var out = new Buffer(29);
-               out.fill(0xff, 0, 16);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(29, 16);
-               out.writeUInt8(1, 18);
-               out.writeUInt8(4, 19);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(myAS, 20);
-               out.writeUInt16BE(90, 22);
-               out.writeUInt8(10, 24);
-               out.writeUInt8(99, 25);
-               out.writeUInt8(99, 26);
-               out.writeUInt8(1,27);
-               out.writeUInt8(0,28);
-               c.write(out);
-       } else if(type == 4) {
-               //console.log("writing keepalive - exact as sent");
-               console.log("LOG: keepalive from remote ("+c.remoteAddress+")");
-               c.write(b);
-               readyToSend = true;
-               updateState("ready");
-               //if(updateSent ==0) beginUpdateSend(c);
-       } else if(type == 2) {
-               //console.log("got update...");
-               console.log("LOG: update from remote ("+c.remoteAddress+")");
-               readyToSend = true;
-               updateState("ready");
-       } else if(type == 3) {
-               var loc = b.readUInt8(19);
-               var msg = b.readUInt8(20);
-               var fromremote = parseNotifyMessage(loc, msg);
-               console.log("LOG: Notification message from server ("+loc+"/"+msg+"): " + fromremote);
-       } else {
-               //console.log("sending end...");
-               c.end();
-       }
-       doPrompt();
-function parseNotifyMessage(loc, msg) {
-       var retmsg = "";
-       switch(loc) {
-               case 1:
-                       retmsg += "Header Error - ";
-                       if(msg == 1) retmsg += "Not Synchronised";
-                       else if(msg == 2) retmsg += "Bad Message Length";
-                       else if(msg == 3) retmsg += "Bad Message Type";
-                       else retmsg += "Unknown error code: "+msg;
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       retmsg += "Open Error - ";
-                       if(msg == 1) retmsg += "Unsupported Version";
-                       else if(msg == 2) retmsg += "AS Missmatch";
-                       else if(msg == 3) retmsg += "Bad BGP ID";
-                       else if(msg == 4) retmsg += "Unsupported Option Parameter";
-                       else retmsg += "Unknown error code: "+msg;
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       retmsg += "Update Error - ";
-                       if(msg == 1) retmsg += "Malformed attribute list";
-                       else if(msg == 2) retmsg += "Unknown recognised well-known attribute";
-                       else if(msg == 3) retmsg += "Missing well-known attribute";
-                       else if(msg == 4) retmsg += "Attribute flag error";
-                       else if(msg == 5) retmsg += "Attribute length error";
-                       else if(msg == 6) retmsg += "Invalid origin attribute";
-                       else if(msg == 7) retmsg += "Deprecated error message (other end is waaay too old)";
-                       else if(msg == 8) retmsg += "Invalid next hop attribute";
-                       else if(msg == 9) retmsg += "Optional attribute error";
-                       else if(msg == 10) retmsg += "Invalid network field";
-                       else if(msg == 11) retmsg += "Malformed AS path";
-                       else retmsg += "Unknown error code: "+msg;
-                       break;
-               case 4:
-                       retmsg += "Hold Timer Expired - ";
-                       break;
-               case 5:
-                       retmsg += "Finite State Machine error - "+msg;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       retmsg += "Unknown erorr type - "+msg; 
-       }
-       return retmsg;
-//-------------- BGP
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bgpfake/bgp_stuff b/bgpfake/bgp_stuff
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1c562e0..0000000
Binary files a/bgpfake/bgp_stuff and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/bgpfake/bgp_stuff2 b/bgpfake/bgp_stuff2
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8aebdd5..0000000
Binary files a/bgpfake/bgp_stuff2 and /dev/null differ