global $repo_base, $BASE_URL;
$repo = "";
$newloc = "/";
if(isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
// now we need to rebuild the actual request or do we?
//$basegit = "$BASE_URL/git/something.git";
//$newloc = preg_replace("/^$basegit/", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
+ gwvp_AskForBasicAuth();
+ gwvp_callGitBackend($repo);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["service"])) {
+ if($_REQUEST["service"] == "git-receive-pack") {
+ // we are a write call - we need auth and we're going to the backend proper
+ gwvp_AskForBasicAuth();
+ gwvp_callGitBackend($repo);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if(file_exists("$repo_base/$repo/$newloc")) {
error_log("would ask $repo,$actual_repo_name for $repo/$newloc from $repo_base/$repo/$newloc");
+function gwvp_callGitBackend($repo)
+ // this is where things become a nightmare
+ $fh = fopen('php://input', "r");
+ $ruri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
+ $strrem = "git/$repo";
+ $euri = str_replace($strrem, "", $_REQUEST["q"]);
+ //$euri = preg_replace("/^git\/$repo\.git/", "", $_REQUEST["q"]);
+ $rmeth = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"];
+ $qs = "";
+ foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $var) {
+ if($key != "q") {
+ //error_log("adding, $var from $key");
+ if($qs == "") $qs.="$key=$var";
+ else $qs.="&$key=$var";
+ }
+ }
+ //sleep(2);
+ // this is where the fun, it ends.
+ $myoutput = "";
+ unset($myoutput);
+ // this be nasty!
+ // setup env
+ if(isset($procenv)) unset($procenv);
+ $procenv["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"] = "CGI/1.1";
+ $procenv["PATH_TRANSLATED"] = "/tmp/$repo/$euri";
+ $procenv["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "$rmeth";
+ $procenv["GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL"] = "1";
+ $procenv["QUERY_STRING"] = "$qs";
+ $procenv["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = "git/1.7.1";
+ $procenv["REMOTE_USER"] = "user";
+ $procenv["REMOTE_ADDR"] = "";
+ $procenv["AUTH_TYPE"] = "Basic";
+ if(isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"])) {
+ } else {
+ //$procenv["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "";
+ }
+ if(isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])) {
+ }
+ error_log("path trans'd is /tmp/$repo/$euri from $ruri with ".$_REQUEST["q"]." $strrem");
+ $pwd = "/tmp/";
+ $proc = proc_open("/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend", array(array("pipe","rb"),array("pipe","wb"),array("file","/tmp/err", "a")), $pipes, $pwd, $procenv);
+ $untilblank = false;
+ while(!$untilblank&&!feof($pipes[1])) {
+ $lines_t = fgets($pipes[1]);
+ $lines = trim($lines_t);
+ error_log("got line: $lines");
+ if($lines_t == "\r\n") {
+ $untilblank = true;
+ error_log("now blank");
+ } else header($lines);
+ if($lines === false) {
+ error_log("got an unexpexted exit...");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ $firstline = true;
+ $continue = true;
+ if(!stream_set_blocking($fh,0)) {
+ error_log("cant set input non-blocking");
+ }
+ if(!stream_set_blocking($pipes[1],0)) {
+ error_log("cant set pipe1 non-blocking");
+ }
+ // i was going to use stream_select, but i feel this works better like this
+ while($continue) {
+ // do client
+ if(!feof($fh)) {
+ $from_client_data = fread($fh,8192);
+ if($from_client_data !== false) fwrite($pipes[0], $from_client_data);
+ fflush($pipes[0]);
+ //fwrite($fl, $from_client_data);
+ $client_len = strlen($from_client_data);
+ } else {
+ error_log("client end");
+ $client_len = 0;
+ }
+ // do cgi
+ // sometimes, we get a \r\n from the cgi, i do not know why she swallowed the fly,
+ // but i do know that the fgets for the headers above should have comsued that
+ if(!feof($pipes[1])) {
+ $from_cgi_data_t = fread($pipes[1],8192);
+ $from_cgi_data = $from_cgi_data_t;
+ // i dont know if this will solve it... it coudl cause some serious issues elsewhere
+ // TODO: this is a hack, i need to know why the fgets above doesn consume the \r\n even tho it reads it
+ // i.e. why the pointer doesnt increment over it, cause the freads above then get them again.
+ if($firstline) {
+ if(strlen($from_cgi_data_t)>0) {
+ $from_cgi_data = preg_replace("/^\r\n/", "", $from_cgi_data_t);
+ if(strlen($from_cgi_data)!=strlen($from_cgi_data_t)) {
+ error_log("MOOOKS - we did trunc");
+ }
+ $firstline = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if($from_cgi_data !== false) {
+ echo $from_cgi_data;
+ flush();
+ }
+ $cgi_len = strlen($from_cgi_data);
+ } else {
+ error_log("cgi end");
+ $cgi_len = 0;
+ }
+ if(feof($pipes[1])) $continue = false;
+ else {
+ if($client_len == 0 && $cgi_len == 0) {
+ usleep(200000);
+ error_log("sleep tick");
+ } else {
+ error_log("sizes: $client_len, $cgi_len");
+ if($cgi_len > 0) {
+ error_log("from cgi: \"$from_cgi_data\"");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //fclose($fl);
+ fclose($fh);
+ fclose($pipes[1]);
+ fclose($pipes[0]);
function gwvp_repoExists($name)