// um yes... its a db connector package dbconnector type DBConnector struct { // err, yes } func DBSetup(dbtype string, host string, username string, password string, database string, datamult int, comout chan int) { // the job of this function is to bring up the connection and create tables based on dbtype var Dbconn *dbibridge.DBIConnection; Dbconn = dbibridge.DBICreate(); dbibridge.DBIConnect(Dbconn, "mysql", host, username, password, database); if dbtype == "mysql" { dbibridge.ExecSQL("create table WAREHOUSE ( W_ID integer NOT NULL, W_NAME CHARACTER(10), W_STREET_1 CHARACTER(20), W_STREET_2 CHARACTER(20), W_CITY CHARACTER(20), W_STATE CHARACTER(2), W_ZIP CHARACTER(9), W_TAX integer, W_YTD integer, PRIMARY KEY(W_ID))"); dbibridge.ExecSQL("create table DISTRICT ( D_ID integer NOT NULL, D_W_ID integer NOT NULL, D_NAME CHARACTER(10), D_STREET_1 CHARACTER(20), D_STREET_2 CHARACTER(20), D_CITY CHARACTER(20), D_STATE CHARACTER(2), D_ZIP CHARACTER(9), D_TAX integer, D_YTD integer, D_NEXT_O_ID integer, PRIMARY KEY(D_W_ID, D_ID))"); dbibridge.ExecSQL("create table ITEM ( I_ID integer NOT NULL, I_IM_ID integer, I_NAME CHARACTER(24), I_PRICE integer, I_DATA CHARACTER(50), PRIMARY KEY(I_ID))"); } dbibridge.DBIDisconnect(Dbconn); }