GWVP ==== Note - this is barely (currently) proof-of-concept code and simply does a thru-php proxy of git-http-backend it is not in the least bit useful for anything, yet. Git over Web Via PHP is a project to do something i've wanted to have a long time - a web based git remote with administration and all git related activities happening over http/https. Git has this now, its called git-http-backend and its quite broken. If you read its man page it'll tell you this: To enable anonymous read access but authenticated write access, require authorization with a LocationMatch directive: AuthType Basic AuthName "Git Access" Require group committers ... This will never work in a month of sundays, but yet its been in the man page and been un-fixed now for a year. Aside from that though, i wanted an application capable of handling my repo's without having to deal with the ssh fluff i tend to deal with its annoying when it can be done with user/password auth over https. Thats what the project is designed to do - give people the ability to administrate a set of a git repo's via a web interface and have the same web interface for pull and push. What you will ultimately be able to do is: 1) get list of git repos (with an interface like gitweb) 2) create users and assign permissions into repo's 3) create repos 4) import repos but most importantly: git add remote origin https://username@server/git/myrepo.git git push origin master Ultimately I want people to be able to install this app, create a directory where it can save its files (db), create another directory for storing git repos then allow people to login to the web interface and control everything, for example: 1) create a user and control what they can see 2) allow users to control who can push to their repos 3) control how many repo's a user can create 4) import code into a repo (via git bundle for eg) 5) setup a group heirachy I think that describes the places i'd like this app to go How it Works ============ Initially this thing will have a fairly boring interface for creating/contorlling users and repos while also pushing directly back to git-http-backend AND providing the authentication interface IT needs to function Gitweb.cgi may also be incorporated as the git view tool - but thats less important at this point and will probably be just a portion of the php code designed to show something similar to gitweb.cgi with more control