# cachedir is where it'll store files cachedir:./cache # how often we run thru the cache directory and refresh files, delete old files or perform maintenance on repo data (hours) cachescan:24 # port to listen on for requests listenport:8008 ploop:asdf # a repo definition # repo:base_url:type:upstream_url:updateinterval:packageage # were: # base_url is the name for url on this proxy (i.e. fedora for /fedora, /pub is automatically removed from urls, i.e. /pub/fedora = /fedora) # type = yum or apt # upstream_url is the url for the upstream repo # updateinterval is how often repo meta data is refreshed (days) # packageage is how long a package will go unread before it gets deleted (days) repo:fedora:yum:http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/fedora/linux/:7:120 repo:fedora2:yum:http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/fedora/linux/:7:120