am I inited?
yes: load from datastore (AD, database, etc)
no: tell any request returns "uninited"
- figure out my datastore.
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+ figure out my datastore.
+ gaasd starts up with backend set to none
+ index.php, admin.php redirect to setup.php
+ setup.php asks questions (ad/in)
+ setup.php sends gaasd setup instructions
+ gaasd checks config
+ setup.php redirects to admin.php if setup works
+Plugins, how they work
+so in globalLib you define a message:
+define("MSG_STATUS", 18);
+then you define a functional prefix
+$MESSAGES[MSG_STATUS] = "gaasStatus";
+then in gaasClientMessages you define gaasStatus_clientsend($params) where $params is an array of parameters in the function call
+this returns a "vals" structure thats sent to "sent" to the server, then gaasStatus_clientrecv(..) which accepts that data back from the server
+then in gaasdMessages.php you define gaasStatus_server(...) which defines a method for handling the data at the server side.
+In code you then call $class->MSG_STATUS(params);
+$params in clientsend is the arguments sent via MSG_STATUS([0], [1], ...);
+$params is then played with to create a single text variable (such as a serialised data structure) and returned to the gasdclient and sent to the server
+server receives what clientsend returns in _server($params) as $params.
+server then returns its data via a text variable in the return which is then send back to clientrecv($params) as $params;
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--- /dev/null
+$myga = new GAASClient();
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// get out master library for gaasd daemon
// first we want to fork into the background like all good daemons should
//$pid = pcntl_fork();
} else if(!$forked) {
// I am the child, i process the request
// all the shit down below goes in here
+ $recvd = "";
+ $continue = true;
+ while($continue) {
+ $size = socket_recv($data_socket, $recvd_a, 1024, 0);
+ $recvd .= $recvd_a;
+ if(preg_match("/.*\:EOD$/", $recvd)) {
+ // we have a full string... break out
+ $continue = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $xps = explode(":", $recvd);
+ $component = unserialize(base64_decode($xps[1]));
+ $msg_type = $component["type"];
+ $msg = $component["data"];
+ $data_returned = processMessage($msg_type, $msg);
+ $d_comp["type"] = $msg_type;
+ $d_comp["data"] = $data_returned;
+ $realdata_returning = "AS:".base64_encode(serialize($d_comp)).":EOD";
+ socket_send($data_socket, $realdata_returning, strlen($realdata_returning), 0);
+ socket_close($data_socket);
+function processMessage($msg_type, $msg)
+ global $MESSAGES;
+ $function = $MESSAGES[$msg_type]."_server";
+ if(function_exists($function)) {
+ return $function($msg);
+ } else {
+ error_log("Call to undefined function! $function\n");
+ return false;
+ }
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--- /dev/null
+// thie file defines the messages sent too and from the gaas client.
+function gaasStatus_clientsend($params)
+ return $params[0];
+function gaasStatus_clientrecv($params)
+ print_r($params);
+ echo "Server status is $params\n";
+// INIT server message
+// params are:
+// AD: "AD", "user", "pass", "domain", "client def", "admin def"
+// IN: "IN", "user", "pass"
+function gaasInitServer_clientsend($params)
+ $msg["backend"] = $params[0];
+ $msg["user"] = $params[1];
+ $msg["pass"] = $params[2];
+ if($msg["backend"] == "AD") {
+ $msg["domain"] = $params[3];
+ $msg["clientdef"] = $params[4];
+ $msg["admindef"] = $params[4];
+ } else if($msg["backend"] == "IN") {
+ // we dont do anything
+ } else {
+ // invalid backend type
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $msg;
+// pretty simple, it either works or doesnt, we just pass on the result
+function gaasInitServer_clientrecv($params)
+ return $params;
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// I am the gaasd client.. i know all, i see all... I am the "only" way to interact with the gaasd server.
+class GAASClient {
+ // the main send/receive functions. Communicates with gaasd
+ // we always expect one send followed by one receive message
+ function sendReceive($message_type, $message)
+ {
+ // yeah... this is totally gunna work
+ global $TCP_PORT_NUMBER;
+ $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
+ $res = socket_connect($socket, "", $TCP_PORT_NUMBER);
+ if(!$res) {
+ socket_close($socket);
+ return false;
+ }
+ $msg["type"] = $message_type;
+ $msg["data"] = $message;
+ $datacomp = base64_encode(serialize($msg));
+ $tosend = "AC:$datacomp:EOD";
+ socket_send($socket, $tosend, strlen($tosend), 0);
+ // get up to one meg of data - this is bad... i can feel this function
+ // hurting alot
+ // TODO FIX THIS - its garbage code... im not really sure how to handle this really
+ // we need to read back as AS:data:EOD - i think it now does.. i hope, tho we need
+ // timeouts now.
+ $recvd = "";
+ $continue = true;
+ while($continue) {
+ $size = socket_recv($socket, $recvd_a, 1024, 0);
+ $recvd .= $recvd_a;
+ if(preg_match("/.*\:EOD$/", $recvd)) {
+ // we have a full string... break out
+ $continue = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // first check we got something that makes sense
+ if(preg_match("/^AS:.*:EOD/", $recvd) < 1) {
+ socket_close($socket);
+ // we have a problem jim
+ return false;
+ }
+ $xps = explode(":", $recvd);
+ $component = unserialize(base64_decode($xps[1]));
+ if($component["type"] != $message_type) {
+ // we have a problem jim
+ socket_close($socket);
+ return false;
+ }
+ socket_close($socket);
+ return $component["data"];
+ }
+ // this is one thing i love about php... how truely dynamic it can be in very easy to do ways.
+ // im not entirely sure what im doing with this bit yet
+ function __call($func, $params)
+ {
+ // im a little stuck here.
+ // want messages to be defineable in terms of plugins
+ // but i dont think this is the way to do it
+ global $MESSAGES;
+ $st_defined = constant($func);
+ //echo "func is $st_defined\n";
+ $function_send = $MESSAGES[$st_defined]."_clientsend";
+ $function_recv = $MESSAGES[$st_defined]."_clientrecv";
+ //echo "real function is $function_send, $function_recv\n";
+ if(function_exists($function_send) && function_exists($function_recv)) {
+ $function_recv($this->sendReceive($st_defined, $function_send($params)));
+ } else {
+ error_log("Function, $function does not exist!");
+ }
+ }
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-// first include the ga4php.php file itself
-$BASE_DIR = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../");
-global $BASE_DIR;
// messy
// first we check if our db exists, if not, we're not inited
$initState = false;
$backEnd = "";
--- /dev/null
+// this file defines all the messages used by gaaasd
+// there are only really two status messages at this point - "init" meaning we have no been defined yet
+// and "running" meaning we have been defined
+function gaasStatus_server($messages)
+ global $initState, $backEnd;
+ $return = "init";
+ if($initState != false && $backEnd != "") {
+ $return = "running";
+ }
+ return $return;
+function gaasInitServer_server($msg)
+ global $initState, $backEnd;
+ // here we "init" the server, if we're ad, we attempt to connect to AD and if it all works
+ // we then create the db
+ // $m["backend"] = "AD|IN";
+ // AD expects:
+ // $m["domain"] = "";
+ // $m["user"] = "someuser";
+ // $m["pass"] = "somepassword";
+ // $m["userdef"] = "user definition paramaters";
+ // IN expects
+ // $m["user"] = "someuser";
+ // $m["pass"] = "somepass";
+ if($msg["backend"] == "AD") {
+ $backEnd = "AD";
+ // attempt connect to AD, verify creds
+ $addom = $msg["domain"];
+ $adlogin = $msg["user"];
+ $adpass = $msg["pass"];
+ $adclientdef = $msg["clientdef"];
+ $adadmindef = $msg["admindef"];
+ // now wee test our logins...
+ // then
+ createDB();
+ confSetVal("ad.domain", $addom);
+ confSetVal("ad.user", $adlogin);
+ confSetVal("ad.pass", $adpass);
+ confSetVal("ad.encryptionkey", generateHexString(32));
+ confSetVal("ad.clientdef", $adclientdef);
+ confSetVal("ad.admindef", $adadmindef);
+ $initState = "running";
+ $backEnd = "AD";
+ // and that should be it... i think cept im in a forked erg.. lets assume it works, need pain i do not.
+ return true;
+ } else if($msg["backend"] == "IN") {
+ // this ones simpler
+ $backEnd = "IN";
+ createDB();
+ $initState = "running";
+ // then we need to "create user";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
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--- /dev/null
+// the global lib sets alot of global variables, its fairly unexciting
+$BASE_DIR = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/../../");
+global $BASE_DIR;
+// the tcp port number we use for comms
+$TCP_PORT_NUMBER = 21335;
+// the messages structure, used to extend gaas if needed
+define("MSG_AUTH_USER_TOKEN", 1);
+define("MSG_ADD_USER_TOKEN", 2);
+define("MSG_DELETE_USER", 3);
+define("MSG_SET_USER_PASSWORD", 5);
+define("MSG_SET_USER_REALNAME", 6);
+define("MSG_SET_USER_TOKEN", 7);
+define("MSG_SET_USER_TOKEN_TYPE", 8);
+define("MSG_GET_USERS", 9);
+define("MSG_GET_OTK_PNG", 10);
+define("MSG_GET_OTK_ID", 11);
+define("MSG_DELETE_USER_TOKEN", 12);
+define("MSG_SYNC_TOKEN", 13);
+define("MSG_GET_TOKEN_TYPE", 14);
+define("MSG_GET_RADIUS_CLIENTS", 15);
+define("MSG_ADD_RADIUS_CLIENT", 17);
+define("MSG_STATUS", 18);
+define("MSG_INIT_SERVER", 19);
+// the gaasd call's $MESSAGE[<MSG>]_server() for the server side
+// and $MESSAGE[<msg>]_client() for the client side
+$MESSAGES[MSG_AUTH_USER_TOKEN] = "gaasAuthUserToken";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_ADD_USER_TOKEN] = "gaasAddUserToken";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_DELETE_USER] = "gaasDeleteUser";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_SET_USER_TOKEN] = "gaasSetUserToken";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_GET_USERS] = "gaasGetUsers";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_DELETE_USER_TOKEN] = "gaasDeleteUserToken";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_SYNC_TOKEN] = "gaasSyncToken";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_GET_TOKEN_TYPE] = "gaasGetTokenType";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_GET_RADIUS_CLIENTS] = "gaasGetRadiusClients";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_REMOVE_RADIUS_CLIENT] = "gaasRemoveRadiusClient";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_ADD_RADIUS_CLIENT] = "gaasAddRadiusClient";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_STATUS] = "gaasStatus";
+$MESSAGES[MSG_INIT_SERVER] = "gaasInitServer";
+global $MESSAGES;
+function generateRandomString($len)
+ $str = "";
+ $strpos = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
+ for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
+ $str .= $strpos[rand(0, strlen($strpos)-1)];
+ }
+ return $str;
+function generateHexString($len)
+ $str = "";
+ $strpos = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ for($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {
+ $str .= $strpos[rand(0, strlen($strpos)-1)];
+ }
+ return $str;
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