+class GoogleAuthenticator {
+ // first we init google authenticator by passing it a filename
+ // for its sqlite database.
+ function __construct($file) {
+ if(file_exists($file)) {
+ try {
+ $this->dbConnector = new PDO("sqlite:$file");
+ } catch(PDOException $exep) {
+ $this->errorText = $exep->getMessage();
+ $this->dbConnector = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ setupDB();
+ }
+ $this->dbFile = $file;
+ }
+ // creates the database (tables);
+ function setupDB() {
+ try {
+ $this->$dbConnector = new PDO("sqlite:$file");
+ } catch(PDOException $exep) {
+ $this->errorText = $exep->getMessage();
+ $this->dbConnector = false;
+ }
+ // here we create some tables and stuff
+ }
+ // creates "user" in the database and returns a url for
+ // the phone. If user already exists, this returns false
+ // if any error occurs, this returns false
+ function setupUser($username) {
+ $key = _createBase32Key();
+ }
+ // Replcate "user" in the database... All this really
+ // does is to replace the key for the user. Returns false
+ // if the user doesnt exist of the key is poop
+ function replaceUser($username) {
+ }
+ // sets the key for a user - this is assuming you dont want
+ // to use one created by the application. returns false
+ // if the key is invalid or the user doesn't exist.
+ function setUserKey($username, $key) {
+ }
+ // self explanitory?
+ function deleteUser($username) {
+ }
+ // user has input their user name and some code, authenticate
+ // it
+ function authenticateUser($username, $code) {
+ }
+ // this function allows a user to resync their key. If too
+ // many codes are called, we only check up to 20 codes in the future
+ // so if the user is at 21, they'll always fail.
+ function resyncCode($username, $code1, $code2) {
+ }
+ // gets the error text associated with the last error
+ function getErrorText() {
+ return $this->errorText;
+ }
+ // create a url compatibile with google authenticator.
+ function createURL($user, $key) {
+ $url = "otpauth://hotp/$user?secret=$key";
+ return $url;
+ }
+ // creeates a base 32 key (random)
+ function createBase32Key() {
+ $key = "";
+ for($i=0; $i<16; $i++) {
+ $offset = rand(0,strlen($alphabet)-1);
+ //echo "$i off is $offset\n";
+ $key .= $alphabet[$offset];
+ }
+ return $key;
+ }
+ function helperb322hex($b32) {
+ $out = "";
+ $dous = "";
+ for($i = 0; $i < strlen($b32); $i++) {
+ $in = strrpos($alphabet, $b32[$i]);
+ $b = str_pad(base_convert($in, 10, 2), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ $out .= $b;
+ $dous .= $b.".";
+ }
+ $ar = str_split($out,20);
+ //echo "$dous, $b\n";
+ //print_r($ar);
+ $out2 = "";
+ foreach($ar as $val) {
+ $rv = str_pad(base_convert($val, 2, 16), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ //echo "rv: $rv from $val\n";
+ $out2 .= $rv;
+ }
+ //echo "$out2\n";
+ return $out2;
+ }
+ function helperhex2b32($hex) {
+ $ar = str_split($hex, 5);
+ $out = "";
+ foreach($ar as $var) {
+ $bc = base_convert($var, 16, 2);
+ $bin = str_pad($bc, 20, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ $out .= $bin;
+ //echo "$bc was, $var is, $bin are\n";
+ }
+ $out2 = "";
+ $ar2 = str_split($out, 5);
+ foreach($ar2 as $var2) {
+ $bc = base_convert($var2, 2, 10);
+ $out2 .= $alphabet[$bc];
+ }
+ return $out2;
+ }
+ // some private data bits.
+ private $errorText;
+ private $dbFile;
+ private $dbConnector;
\ No newline at end of file