} else {
error_log("weird problem");
+ fclose($lf);
$lf = fopen("$file/update.lock", "w");
flock($lf, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
+// next we go into $file/dists and open each dir
+// download "release"
+// then check every file in release against what we have... this is giong to be a nightmare
+$dh = opendir("$file/dists/");
+while(($fn = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ if($fn != "." && $fn != "..") {
+ echo "checkin dist, $fn with $url\n";
+ $releasefile = file_get_contents("$url/dists/$fn/Release");
+ file_put_contents("$file/dists/$fn/Release.new", $releasefile);
+ if(file_exists("$file/dists/$fn/Release")) {
+ unlink("$file/dists/$fn/Release");
+ rename("$file/dists/$fn/Release.new", "$file/dists/$fn/Release");
+ } else {
+ rename("$file/dists/$fn/Release.new", "$file/dists/$fn/Release");
+ }
+ echo "got release file\n";
+ // now open that release file and check all our ... versions and stuff, this bit sucks, i hate parsing text files
+ $relfile = fopen("$file/dists/$fn/Release", "r");
+ $continue = true;
+ $chkfile = false;
+ if($relfile) while($continue) {
+ $line = fgets($relfile);
+ if(feof($relfile)) $continue = false;
+ // first try to parse a tag
+ $tags = explode(":", $line);
+ // check for a tag we're into
+ if(strcasecmp($tags[0], "md5sum") == 0) {
+ $chkfile = true;
+ $chktype = "md5";
+ } else if(strcasecmp($tags[0], "SHA1") == 0) {
+ $chkfile = true;
+ $chktype = "sha1";
+ } else if(strcasecmp($tags[0], "SHA256") == 0) {
+ $chkfile = true;
+ $chktype = "sha256";
+ } else if($chkfile) {
+ //echo "in chkfile on $line\n";
+ $line = trim($line);
+ $lspl = preg_split("/ +/", $line);
+ if(isset($lspl[2])) {
+ $sum = $lspl[0];
+ $size = ((int)($lspl[1]));
+ $distrofile = $lspl[2];
+ if(file_exists("$file/dists/$fn/$distrofile")) {
+ $updatefile = false;
+ $mysum = hash_file($chktype, "$file/dists/$fn/$distrofile");
+ $mysize = filesize("$file/dists/$fn/$distrofile");
+ //echo "would check $sum, $size, $distrofile against $distrofile/dists/$fn, $sum\n";
+ if(strtolower($mysum) == strtolower($sum)) {
+ echo "file $distrofile is clean for sum\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "File $distrofile needs updating with $sum, $mysum, $chktype, $url\n";
+ $updatefile = true;
+ }
+ if($size != $mysize) {
+ echo "File $distrofile needs updating with $size, $mysize, $url\n";
+ $updatefile = true;
+ } else {
+ echo "file $distrofile is clean for size\n";
+ }
+ if($updatefile) {
+ $getthisfile = file_get_contents("$url/dists/$fn/$distrofile");
+ unlink("$file/dists/$fn/$distrofile");
+ file_put_contents("$file/dists/$fn/$distrofile", $getthisfile);
+ echo "Updated file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $chkfile = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+echo "im at an end\n";
\ No newline at end of file
echo " - Expire time is ".$repo["expiretime"]." days, checking repo<br>";
$maxtdiff = $repo["expiretime"] * 24 * 3600;
- $this->updateRepo($rkey);
+ // now we check for outdated release files
+ $dh = opendir("$repostore/$rkey/dists/");
+ $needsupdate = false;
+ while(($fn = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ if($fn != "." && $fn != "..") {
+ if(file_exists("$repostore/$rkey/dists/$fn/Release")) {
+ $tdiff = time() - filemtime("$repostore/$rkey/dists/$fn/Release");
+ if($tdiff > $maxtdiff) $needsupdate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($needsupdate) {
+ echo " - Spawn updater<br>";
+ $this->updateRepo($rkey);
+ } else {
+ echo " - Up to date<br>";
+ }
if(!file_exists("$repostore/$repokey")) {
+ if(!file_exists("$repostore/$repokey/dists/")) {
+ mkdir("$repostore/$repokey/dists/");
+ // no point trying to update if we have no dists directory
+ return;
+ }
error_log("background apt repo update, start");