case "provision":
$username = $argv[2];
+ $ttype = "";
+ $tkey = "";
+ if(isset($argv[3])) $ttype = $argv[3];
+ if(isset($argv[4])) $tkey = $argv[4];
+ $ret = $myga->MSG_PROVISION_USER($username, $ttype, $tkey);
case "getusers":
$group = "client";
function gaasProvisionUser_clientsend($params)
$msg["username"] = $params[0];
+ $msg["tokentype"] = "";
+ $msg["tokenkey"] = "";
+ if(isset($params[1])) {
+ $msg["tokentype"] = $params[1];
+ }
+ if(isset($params[2])) {
+ $msg["tokenkey"] = $params[2];
+ }
+ echo "sending msg\n";
return $msg;
// users_tokendata is used by ga4php, users_otk is the qrcode data link if needed,
// tokentype is the software/hardware token types
- $sql = 'CREATE TABLE "users" ("users_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"users_username" TEXT, "users_realname" TEXT, \
- "users_password" TEXT, "users_tokendata" TEXT, "users_qrcodeid" TEXT, "user_enabled" TEXT, "users_tokentype" TEXT);';
+ $sql = 'CREATE TABLE "users" ("users_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"users_username" TEXT, "users_realname" TEXT, "users_password" TEXT, "users_tokendata" TEXT, "users_qrcodeid" TEXT, "user_enabled" TEXT, "users_tokentype" TEXT);';
+ //if(!$res) {
+ //echo "Create user table failed\n";
+ //}
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE "config" ("conf_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"conf_name" TEXT, "conf_value" TEXT);';
$sql = 'CREATE TABLE "radclients" ("rad_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"rad_name" TEXT, "rad_ip" TEXT, "rad_secret" TEXT, "rad_desc" TEXT);';
// we need to check if the user exists, and if so put the data, if not create the data
$sql = "select * from users where users_username='$username'";
+ echo "sql was: $sql\n";
$res = $dbObject->query($sql);
if($res->fetchColumn() > 0) {
// do update
//error_log("doing userdata update");
+ //"users_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"users_username" TEXT, "users_realname" TEXT, "users_password" TEXT, "users_tokendata" TEXT, "users_qrcodeid" TEXT, "user_enabled" TEXT, "users_tokentype" TEXT)
$sql = "update users set users_tokendata='$data' where users_username='$username'";
} else {
// do insert
//error_log("doing user data create");
- $sql = "insert into users values (NULL, '$username', '', '', '$data', '')";
+ $sql = "insert into users values (NULL, '$username', '', '', '$data', '', '1', 'software')";
if($dbObject->query($sql)) {
confSetVal("ad.clientdef", $adclientdef);
confSetVal("ad.admindef", $adadmindef);
confSetVal("backend", "AD");
+ confSetVal("defaulttokentype", "TOTP");
$initState = true;
$backEnd = "AD";
// function userInGroup($user, $domain, $adlogin, $adpass, $group)
+ echo "in provision user\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ $dttype = confGetVal("defaulttokentype");
+ if($dttype != "HOTP" && $dttype != "TOTP") {
+ echo "default token type not set, setting to TOTP\n";
+ confSetVal("defaulttokentype", "TOTP");
+ $dttype = "TOTP";
+ }
+ if($msg["tokentype"] == "") {
+ $ttype = confGetVal("defaulttokentype");
+ } else {
+ $ttype = $msg["tokentype"];
+ }
+ if($ttype != "HOTP" && $ttype != "TOTP") {
+ echo "using default token type, $dttype because user entered value of $ttype doesnt make sense\n";
+ $ttype = $dttype;
+ }
+ $tkey = $msg["tokenkey"];
if(confGetVal("backend") == "AD") {
- userInGroup($msg["username"], confGetVal("ad.domain"), confGetVal("ad.user", $adlogin), confGetVal("ad.pass"), confGetVal("ad.clientdef"));
+ if(userInGroup($msg["username"], confGetVal("ad.domain"), confGetVal("ad.user"), confGetVal("ad.pass"), confGetVal("ad.clientdef"))) {
+ $myga = new gaasdGA();
+ $myga->setUser($msg["username"], $ttype, "", $tkey);
+ } else {
+ echo "User not in client group\n";
+ }
} else {
// internal db
global $BASE_DIR;
// the tcp port number we use for comms
-$TCP_PORT_NUMBER = 21336;
+$TCP_PORT_NUMBER = 21356;
+ //echo "usercn: $usercn\n";
$basecn = preg_replace("/,$/", "", $tcn);
$sr = ldap_search($cnt, "$basecn", "(&(objectCategory=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$usercn))");
$fil = "(&(objectCategory=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$usercn))";
$info = ldap_get_entries($cnt, $sr);
foreach($info as $kpot => $lpot) {
if(isset($lpot["samaccountname"])) {
- if($lpot["cn"][0] == $group) return true;
+ //echo "checking: ".$lpot["cn"][0]."\n";
+ if(strtolower($lpot["cn"][0]) == strtolower($group)) return true;
return false;