$tokenid = $msg["tokenid"];
$tokenkey = $msg["tokenkey"];
- $tokentype = $msg["tokentype"];
+ $tokentype = strtoupper($msg["tokentype"]);
+ if($tokentype != "HOTP" && $tokentype != "TOTP") {
+ echo "invalid token type from hardware entry\n";
+ return false;
+ }
//"hardwaretokens" ("tok_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"tok_name" TEXT, "tok_key" TEXT, "tok_type" TEXT);';
$db = getDB();
if(!isset($msg["tokenid"])) return false;
+ $tokenid = $msg["tokenid"];
// now, we check the username is in the client gorup
- // now we check the token id is valid in the hardware db.
+ if(confGetVal("backend") == "AD") {
+ if(userInGroup($msg["username"], confGetVal("ad.domain"), confGetVal("ad.user"), confGetVal("ad.pass"), confGetVal("ad.clientdef"))) {
+ $myga = new gaasdGA();
+ $sql = "select * from hardwaretokens"; // where tok_name='$tokenid'";
+ echo "yes, i am here $sql\n";
+ $db = getDB();
+ $ret = $db->query($sql);
+ $tok_key = "";
+ $tok_type = "";
+ if(!$ret) {
+ echo "got a token assignment for an invalid name\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // we have something
+ echo "i am here?\n";
+ foreach($ret as $row) {
+ echo "got a row\n";
+ print_r($row);
+ $tok_key = $row["tok_key"];
+ $tok_type = $row["tok_type"];
+ }
+ }
+ if($tok_type == "" || $tok_key == "") {
+ echo "error in token data from hardware token in DB\n";
+ }
+ echo "and here too, $tok_type, $tok_key\n";
+ if(!$myga->setUser($msg["username"], $tok_type, "", $tok_key)) {
+ print_r($msg);
+ echo "errror assigning token?\n";
+ }
+ } else return false;
+ }
// then we assign to the user