--- /dev/null
+// TODO: This code works, but needs to be fixed and commented properly
+// define our token class
+class myGA extends GoogleAuthenticator {
+ function getData($username) {
+ global $dsconnect, $host, $binduser, $bindpass, $basecn;
+ // set this to default to begin with
+ $tokendata = false;
+ // we search for a username that matches what we've been passed
+ $sr = ldap_search($dsconnect, "$basecn", "samaccountname=$username");
+ $info = ldap_get_entries($dsconnect, $sr);
+ //echo "<pre>";
+ //print_r($info);
+ //echo "</pre>";
+ $attr_name = false;
+ for($i=1; $i<15; $i++) {
+ $valname = "extensionattribute$i";
+ if(isset($info[0]["$valname"][0])) {
+ $val = $info[0]["$valname"][0];
+ // we are looking for an extension attribute that has a start of "ga4php"
+ if(preg_match('/^ga4php.*/', $val)>0) {
+ $attr_name = $valname;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // yeah, totally works.... HAH
+ if($attr_name != false) {
+ $tokend = $info[0]["$attr_name"][0];
+ $expl = explode(":", $tokend);
+ $tokendata = $expl[1];
+ }
+ return $tokendata;
+ // and there you have it, simple eh?
+ }
+ // now we need a function for putting the data back into our user table.
+ // in this example, we wont check anything, we'll just overwrite it.
+ function putData($username, $data) {
+ global $dsconnect, $host, $binduser, $bindpass, $basecn;
+ if($data!="") {
+ $data .= "ga4php:";
+ }
+ // set this to default to begin with
+ $tokendata = false;
+ // we need to track the "first" blank attribute
+ $blank_attr = false;
+ // we search for a username that matches what we've been passed
+ $sr = ldap_search($dsconnect, "$basecn", "samaccountname=$username");
+ $info = ldap_get_entries($dsconnect, $sr);
+ $dn = $info[0]["distinguishedname"][0];
+ //echo "<pre>";
+ //print_r($info);
+ //echo "</pre>";
+ $attr_name = false;
+ for($i=1; $i<15; $i++) {
+ $valname = "extensionattribute$i";
+ if(isset($info[0]["$valname"][0])) {
+ $val = $info[0]["$valname"][0];
+ // we are looking for an extension attribute that has a start of "ga4php"
+ if(preg_match('/^ga4php.*/', $val)>0) {
+ $attr_name = $valname;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($blank_attr == false) {
+ // this will cathc the first unset extension variable name, if we need it
+ $blank_attr = "$valname";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if the attr_name is not set, we need to set $blank_attr
+ if($attr_name == false) {
+ // we use $blank_attr
+ error_log("setting for $username, $blank_attr");
+ $infod["$blank_attr"][0] = "$data";
+ } else {
+ error_log("setting for $username, $attr_name");
+ $infod["$attr_name"][0] = "$data";
+ }
+ error_log("att end of put data for $dn, $infod");
+ return ldap_modify($dsconnect, $dn, $infod);
+ // even simpler!
+ }
+ // not implemented yet
+ function getUsers() {
+ return false;
+ }
* This example shows how you might store user data directly into AD.
* AD has several attributes you can use for storing your own data, and
* thats what we use
+ *
+ * This is only the beginning code,
// set these
-$host = "";
-$binduser = "";
-$bindpass = "";
-$basecn = "";
+$host = ""; // for eg ""
+$binduser = ""; // for eg "administrator"
+$bindpass = ""; // for eg "password"
+$basecn = ""; // for eg "CN=users, DC=google, dc=com"
+//require our GoogleAuthenticator sub classed class
+$myga = new myGA();
// this is here so i can keep my atributes somewhere in the tree and not have them float around on git/svn
-if(file_exists("../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php")) require_once("../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php");
+if(file_exists("../../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php")) require_once("../../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php");
+$error = false;
+// first, lets bind our AD with out management creds
+error_log("host is $host");
+$dsconnect = ldap_connect("$host", 389);
+// we mark it global so we can get it in our class
+global $dsconnect, $host, $binduser, $bindpass, $basecn;
+if(!$dsconnect) {
+ $error = true;
+ $errorText = "Can't Connect to AD";
+$ldapbind = ldap_bind($dsconnect, "$binduser", "$bindpass");
+<H1>Welcome to GA4PHP Talking to Active Directory</H1>
+if($error) {
+ echo "<font color=\"red\">$errorText</font><br>";
+Our user list within AD:
+<table border="1">
+<tr><th>Name</th><th>Login Name</th></tr>
+ $sr = ldap_search($dsconnect, "$basecn", "objectclass=user");
+ $info = ldap_get_entries($dsconnect, $sr);
+ //$info["extensionattribute2"] = "-----";
+ //print_r($info);
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($info as $key => $val) {
+ //echo "$key is ".$val["distinguishedname"][0]."\n";
+ if($val["distinguishedname"][0] != "") {
+ $user[$i]["dn"] = $val["distinguishedname"][0];
+ $user[$i]["acn"] = $val["samaccountname"][0];
+ $user[$i]["cn"] = $val["cn"][0];
+ }
+ $i ++;
+ //return 0;
+ }
+ foreach($user as $value) {
+ $cn = $value["cn"];
+ $un = $value["acn"];
+ echo "<tr><td>$cn</td><td>$un</td></tr>";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
+testing administrator<br>
+if($myga->hasToken("administrator")) {
+ echo "administrator has a token<br>";
+} else {
+ echo "administrator has no token, setting one<br>";
+ $myga->setUser("administrator");
\ No newline at end of file