echo "\tsetadlogin username password domain\n";
echo "\tsetclientgroup groupname - change the group membership requirements for client's with AD\n";
echo "\tsetadmingroup groupname - change the group membership requirements for admin's with AD\n";
- echo "\tprovision username [HOTP|TOTP] [KEY]- provision the user \"username\"\n";
+ echo "\tprovisiontoken username [HOTP|TOTP] [KEY]- provision the user \"username\"\n";
+ echo "\tassign username tokenid - assign a hardware token to a user\n";
+ echo "\taddtoken token_name token_key token_type - adds a hardware token to the DB\n";
+ echo "\tgethwtokens - gets a list of hardware tokens by token_name\n";
echo "\tgetusers [admin|client] [part-of-username] [yes] - get user list with admin or client group, part of a username and return only those with tokens (yes)\n";
echo "\tdeleteuser username - deletes the key for the specified user\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Resetting AD admin group details failed\n";
- case "provision":
+ case "assign":
+ $username = $argv[2];
+ $tokenid = $argv[3];
+ $ret = $myga->MSG_ASSIGN_TOKEN($username, $tokenid);
+ break;
+ case "gethwtokens":
+ $ret = $myga->MSG_GET_HARDWARE();
+ foreach($ret as $tok) {
+ echo "Token, ".$tok["name"]." is of type ".$tok["type"]."\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "addtoken":
+ $tokenid = $argv[2];
+ $tokenkey = $argv[3];
+ $tokentype = $argv[4];
+ $ret = $myga->MSG_ADD_HARDWARE($tokenid, $tokenkey, $tokentype);
+ break;
+ case "provisiontoken":
$username = $argv[2];
$ttype = "";
$tkey = "";
return $msg;
+function gaasGetHardwareTokens_clientsend($params)
+ return $params;
+function gaasAddHardwareToken_clientsend($params)
+ $msg["tokenid"] = $params[0];
+ $msg["tokenkey"] = $params[1];
+ $msg["tokentype"] = $params[2];
+ print_r($msg);
+ return $msg;
+function gaasAssignToken_clientsend($params)
+ $msg["username"] = $params[0];
+ $msg["tokenid"] = $params[1];
+ return $msg;
function gaasGetUsers_clientsend($params)
$msg["havetokens"] = false;
return true;
+function createUserInDB($username, $realname)
+ $db = getDB();
+ $sql = "insert into users values (NULL, '$username', '$realname', '', '$data', '', '1', '')";
// a funciton to deal with Config Vars
function confGetVal($varname)
if(confGetVal("backend") == "AD") {
if(userInGroup($msg["username"], confGetVal("ad.domain"), confGetVal("ad.user"), confGetVal("ad.pass"), confGetVal("ad.clientdef"))) {
$myga = new gaasdGA();
- $myga->setUser($msg["username"], $ttype, "", $tkey);
+ // TODO - figure out how to deal with the token origin - i.e. software/hardware
+ if($msg["origin"] == "hardware") {
+ echo "want a hardware token, but i dont know how to do this yet\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "using software token\n";
+ $myga->setUser($msg["username"], $ttype, "", $tkey);
+ }
} else {
echo "User not in client group\n";
return true;
+// TODO error check/ value check
+function gaasAddHardwareToken_server($msg)
+ $tokenid = $msg["tokenid"];
+ $tokenkey = $msg["tokenkey"];
+ $tokentype = $msg["tokentype"];
+ //"hardwaretokens" ("tok_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"tok_name" TEXT, "tok_key" TEXT, "tok_type" TEXT);';
+ print_r($msg);
+ $db = getDB();
+ $sql = "insert into hardwaretokens values (NULL, '$tokenid', '$tokenkey', '$tokentype')";
+ echo "Sql is $sql\n";
+ $ret = $db->query($sql);
+ if($ret) return true;
+ else return false;
+function gaasGetHardwareTokens_server($msg)
+ $db = getDB();
+ $sql = "select tok_name, tok_type from hardwaretokens";
+ $ret = $db->query($sql);
+ $toks = "";
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($ret as $row) {
+ $toks[$i]["name"] = $row["tok_name"];
+ $toks[$i]["type"] = $row["tok_type"];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $toks;
+function gaasAssignToken_server($msg)
+ if(!isset($msg["tokenid"])) return false;
+ // now, we check the username is in the client gorup
+ // now we check the token id is valid in the hardware db.
+ // then we assign to the user
function gaasGetUsers_server($msg)
$haveTokens = $msg["havetokens"];
global $BASE_DIR;
// the tcp port number we use for comms
-$TCP_PORT_NUMBER = 21356;
+$TCP_PORT_NUMBER = 21256;
define("MSG_GET_USERS", 24);
define("MSG_DELETE_USER", 25);
// the gaasd call's $MESSAGE[<MSG>]_server() for the server side
// and $MESSAGE[<msg>]_client() for the client side
$MESSAGES[MSG_SET_AD_LOGIN] = "gaasSetADLogin"; // domain, user, password
$MESSAGES[MSG_SET_CLIENT_GROUP] = "gaasSetClientGroup"; // groupname
-$MESSAGES[MSG_PROVISION_USER] = "gaasProvisionUser"; // username
+$MESSAGES[MSG_PROVISION_USER] = "gaasProvisionUser"; // username, tokentype, tokenkey, hardware|software
$MESSAGES[MSG_GET_USERS] = "gaasGetUsers"; // [admin|client], [name pattern], [only with tokens]
$MESSAGES[MSG_DELETE_USER] = "gaasDeleteUser"; // username
+$MESSAGES[MSG_ASSIGN_TOKEN] = "gaasAssignToken"; // username, tokenid
+$MESSAGES[MSG_ADD_HARDWARE] = "gaasAddHardwareToken"; // username, tokenid
+$MESSAGES[MSG_GET_HARDWARE] = "gaasGetHardwareTokens"; //
global $MESSAGES;