* - if a range request was made, send the range once available
* - if range not available, sleep for 5 and check again.
- *
+ * I dont want to code this from scratch, but i probably need to
+ function getRepoForUrlNew($url)
+ {
+ $xurl = split("[/,]", $url);
+ // first get the config
+ $uconf = unserialize($this->config->getConfigVar("repodata"));
+ $repostore = $this->config->getConfigVar("storagelocation");
+ // preset matched to -1
+ $matched = -1;
+ // first we check for /repo/repoid as a url
+ $startat = 0;
+ if($xurl[0] == "repo") {
+ $repid = $xurl[1];
+ error_log("trying to get repo for repoid, $repid");
+ if(isset($uconf[$repid])) {
+ $matched = ((int)($repid));
+ error_log("set matched, $matched, $repid");
+ $startat +=2;
+ }
+ }
+ // now check for a prefix match
+ $prematch = false;
+ if($matched < 0) foreach($uconf as $key => $var) {
+ $pre = $var["prefix"];
+ if($pre!="") {
+ //echo "Checking pre $pre against ".$xurl[0]."\n";
+ if(strcasecmp($pre, $xurl[0])==0) {
+ //echo "Matched pre\n";
+ $prematch = true;
+ $startat++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // next, check for a short url match
+ if($matched < 0) foreach($uconf as $key => $var) {
+ // if we matched a pre, then we check against the second url component
+ $short = $var["shorturl"];
+ if($short!="") {
+ //echo "Checking short $short against ".$xurl[$startat]."\n";
+ if(strcasecmp($xurl[$startat], $short)==0) {
+ //echo "Matched\n";
+ $matched = $key;
+ $startat++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: this deterministic bit
+ // so far nothing has matched - what this next bit needs to do is try and "Determine" a repo from url
+ // for eg, if a user gets /fedora/x86_64/os we need to return something appropriate
+ if($matched < 0) {
+ echo "No such repo<br>";
+ header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
+ return;
+ }
+ // something was matched, so now we reconstruct the file component of the url
+ $file = "/";
+ if(count($xurl) > $startat) for($i=$startat; $i < count($xurl); $i++) {
+ $file .= "/".$xurl[$i];
+ }
+ // so, the ultimate url for the file we need is:
+ $actualfile = "$repostore/$matched/$file";
+ error_log("Atcualfile is $actualfile");
+ // if its a directory, lets do a print
+ if(is_dir($actualfile)) {
+ $this->printDir($actualfile, $file, $url);
+ return;
+ }
+ // check if the file exists and serve it up
+ if(file_exists($actualfile)) {
+ $this->serveUpFile($actualFile, $matched);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // the file does not exist, we now need to go into "download" mode
+ $remoteurl = $uconf[$matched]["url"]."/$file";
+ $this->downloadAndServe($actualFile, $matched, $remoteurl);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ function serveUpFile($filename, $repoid)
+ {
+ $uconf = unserialize($this->config->getConfigVar("repodata"));
+ $repostore = $this->config->getConfigVar("storagelocation");
+ // figure out the range header garbage that centos/redhat send
+ if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"])) {
+ // we're using ranges - screw you stupid installer
+ $pr_range = preg_split("/[:\-, ]+/", $_SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"]);
+ // cut up ranges
+ $rangestart = $pr_range[1];
+ $rangelength = $pr_range[2] - $pr_range[1] +1;
+ $rangestr = $pr_range[1]."-".$pr_range[2];
+ error_log("going ranges at $rangestart, $rangelength,".$rangesa[1].",".$rangesb[0]);
+ // now spit some headers
+ header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
+ header("Content-Length: ".$rangelength);
+ header("Content-Range: bytes $rangesstr/".filesize($actualfile));
+ // determine mime type
+ $type = mime_content_type($actualfile);
+ // set mime type header
+ header("Content-type: $type");
+ // open the local file (TODO: error check)
+ $localfile = fopen($actualfile, "r");
+ fseek($localfile, $rangestart, SEEK_SET);
+ // read in the data, god i hope its not big
+ $data = fread($localfile, $rangelength);
+ // lastly, send data
+ echo $data;
+ flush();
+ // and close the file
+ fclose($localfile);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // we're not using range's - good on you installer thingy
+ header("Content-Length: ".filesize($actualfile));
+ // set the mime type header
+ $type = mime_content_type($actualfile);
+ header("Content-type: $type");
+ // open the local file
+ $localfile = fopen($actualfile, "r");
+ // iterate over its length, send 8k at a time
+ while(!feof($localfile)) {
+ // read and send data
+ $data = fread($localfile, 8192);
+ echo $data;
+ // flush so the client sees the data
+ flush();
+ }
+ // close the file
+ fclose($localfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: this is the function im working on
+ function downloadAndServe($filename, $repoid, $remoteurl)
+ {
+ $uconf = unserialize($this->config->getConfigVar("repodata"));
+ $repostore = $this->config->getConfigVar("storagelocation");
+ // this is the tricky one for ranges.
+ // check if a download exists
+ if(file_exists("$actualfile.tmp.data.deleteme")) {
+ // a download exists, does it still work
+ $localtmpfh = fopen("$actualfile.tmp.data.deleteme", "r");
+ $lockres = flock($localtmpfh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
+ if(!$lockres) {
+ error_log("flock did fail, all is right with the world a download is in progress");
+ } else {
+ unlink("$actualfile.tmp.data.deleteme");
+ unlink("$actualfile.tmp.data.deleteme.size");
+ }
+ }
+ $localfile = fopen($actualfile.".tmp.data.deleteme", "w");
+ $localsizefile = fopen($actualfile.".tmp.data.deleteme.size", "w");
+ // get the headers from the remote request and use them to hurt people
+ foreach($http_response_header as $key => $val) {
+ if(preg_match("/HTTP.*30[1-9].*/", $val)) {
+ error_log("got a 30x, must be a directory");
+ mkdir($actualfile);
+ header("Location: ".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."/");
+ return;
+ }
+ // get content length form upstream and print
+ if(preg_match("/^Content-Length:.*/", $val)) {
+ $clen = $val;
+ header($val);
+ }
+ // get content type from upstream and print
+ if(preg_match("/^Content-Type:.*/", $val)) {
+ header($val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// this is a nightmare
function getRepoForUrl($url)