--- /dev/null
+The following text describes each method in the ga4php class
+These are the abstract classes you must define when subclassing that are
+needed for the class to function. One gets the data associated with $username
+one puts the data assocaiate with $username and the other gets a list of users
+as an array. $data is simply a base64 encoded string and never very long, no more
+then 1k. However, there is a user data area so the size of the data in the $data
+segment is dependant on what you use it for.
+ abstract function getData($username);
+ abstract function putData($username, $data);
+ abstract function getUsers();
+The cunstructor of the base class. The default values are usually fine, totpskew
+is the value of keys either side of the current time key (i.e. +/- 1 counter value)
+hotpskew is how many tokens in advance of the last "seen" token that are checked
+and hotphuntvalue is the number of tokens (from 0) the class looks ahead trying
+to find where the users token currently is in the advent of a token resync
+ function __construct($totpskew=1, $hotpskew=10, $hotphuntvalue=200000)
+A simple funciton that returns an empty data structure (which is a "token") as
+used internally to the class (it has an array member called "user" which you
+can store your own data in.
+ function createEmptyData()
+A function used internally whenever the class needs to retrieve the users data
+structure from the underlying storage. Your getData() function is called by this
+function to get its encoded data structure
+ function internalGetData($username)
+A function used internall whenever the class needs to store the user data structure
+into the underlying storage. Your putData() function defines how the $data segment
+is stored.
+ function internalPutData($username, $data)
+A function to set the token type for a given user. Typically you might call this
+method if you are manually setting up a token for a user that is using a non-google
+authenticator or a hardware token.
+ function setTokenType($username, $tokentype)
+A function to directly set a users key. Again, typically you'll call this if you
+are setting up the user for a non-GA style token, such as a hardware token or a
+non-ga software token.
+ function setUserKey($username, $key)
+This is the most important function, you call this to setup a user. with no
+arguments other then the username, the class will simply provision the user
+as an 80-bit HOTP token (as per the GA token) and creata random key. The key
+is returned.
+ function setUser($username, $ttype="HOTP", $key = "", $hexkey="")
+A function which simply tests if the user has a token.
+ function hasToken($username)
+A function to delete a user, it simply nulls off the data segment of a user.
+ function deleteUser($username)
+The other most important function of the class. You call this as $username and the
+code the user has entered. Returns true if it was the correct code (or falls within
+the limits) or false if the user got it wrong.
+ function authenticateUser($username, $code)
+This function is called to resync a HOTP token. The class keeps track of the counter
+for the last used token key, so if the last token the user has entered was counter no
+23, it will (by default) look for a token key value from 23-43. If a user presses their
+"generate code" button (same for hardware tokens) more then 20 times without authenticating
+(such as people playing with their token) the token will fail to authenticate and the
+user must "resync" their token with the following code
+ function resyncCode($username, $code1, $code2)
+A function to return an error string when an error occurs - not fully implemented
+ function getErrorText()
+A function which generates a url that can be used with a QRcode and scanned in with the
+google authenticator. You must generate the qrcode, its not done in the class.
+ function createURL($user)
+A function that generates a random 80-bit base32 key (as used by the google authenticator)
+ function createBase32Key()
+A function that returns the key IN HEX of the user.
+ function getKey($username)
+A function that returns the token type for a given user.
+ function getTokenType($username)
+A method that turns a base32 key into a hex key - use with caution
+ function helperb322hex($b32)
+A method that turns a hex key into a base32 one - use with caution
+ function helperhex2b32($hex)
+A method that generates the $counter'th hotp/totp key for a given token key value
+ function oath_hotp($key, $counter)
+A method that truncates the output of oath_hotp to $length as per the token requirements
+ function oath_truncate($hash, $length = 6)
$this->hotpHuntValue = $hotphuntvalue;
+ // pure abstract functions that need to be overloaded when
+ // creating a sub class
abstract function getData($username);
abstract function putData($username, $data);
abstract function getUsers();
$data["tokentimer"] = 30; // the token timer (For totp) and not supported by ga yet
$data["tokencounter"] = 1; // the token counter for hotp
$data["tokenalgorithm"] = "SHA1"; // the token algorithm (not supported by ga yet)
- $data["user1"] = ""; // a place for implementors to store their own data
+ $data["user"] = ""; // a place for implementors to store their own data
return $data;
- // an internal funciton to get
+ // an internal funciton to get data from the overloaded functions
+ // and turn them into php arrays.
function internalGetData($username) {
$data = $this->getData($username);
$deco = unserialize(base64_decode($data));
return $deco;
+ // the function used inside the class to put the data into the
+ // datastore using the overloaded data saving class
function internalPutData($username, $data) {
$enco = base64_encode(serialize($data));
// so lets not be able to set that yet
function setTokenType($username, $tokentype) {
$tokentype = strtoupper($tokentype);
- if($tokentype!="HOTP" and $tokentype!="TOTP") {
+ if($tokentype!="HOTP" && $tokentype!="TOTP") {
$errorText = "Invalid Token Type";
return false;
// create "user" with insert
function setUser($username, $ttype="HOTP", $key = "", $hexkey="") {
+ $ttype = strtoupper($ttype);
+ if($ttype != "HOTP" && $ttype !="TOTP") return false;
if($key == "") $key = $this->createBase32Key();
$hkey = $this->helperb322hex($key);
if($hexkey != "") $hkey = $hexkey;
return $key;
+ // a function to determine if the user has an actual token
function hasToken($username) {
$token = $this->internalGetData($username);
// TODO: change this to a pattern match for an actual key