- * I am an idiot.
- * For some reason i had it in my head to pass static functions into the construct
- * of the class in order to hand data going in/out
- * when in reality i should be making the data in/out func's abstract
- * and getting implementors to extend the class
- *
- * For now im going to keep implementing it this way and thus my class will
- * forever be an example of poor design choices. It'll change it very shortly though
- */
* The way we should really be doing things is to have an array that encapsulates "normal" data (or a class?)
* and then just manipulate it, then use a checkin function to push the data base into the db...
class GoogleAuthenticator {
- // first we init google authenticator by passing it a filename
- // for its sqlite database.
- // $getDataFunction expects 1 argument which defines what data it wants
- // and can be "userlist" or "usertoken:username"
- // $putDataFunciton expects 2 arguments, $1 is data type, $2 is the data
- // $1 can be "changetoken:username", "removetoken:username", $2 is the token
- // data in some encoded form
- // tokenDATA will be like HOTP;KEY;CID where CID is the current counter value
- // why encode like this? i cant think of a good reason tbh, i should probably just
- // use php's arry encoder functions
- function __construct($getDataFunction, $putDataFunction) {
- $this->putDataFunction = $putDataFunction;
- $this->getDataFunction = $getDataFunction;
+ function __construct() {
abstract function getData($username);
abstract function putData($username, $data);
abstract function getUsers();
- // a function to create an empty data structure
+ // a function to create an empty data structure, filled with some defaults
function createEmptyData() {
$data["tokenkey"] = ""; // the token key
- $data["tokentype"] = ""; // the token type
- $data["tokentimer"] = ""; // the token timer (For totp) and not supported by ga yet
- $data["tokencounter"] = ""; // the token counter for hotp
- $data["tokenalgorithm"] = ""; // the token algorithm (not supported by ga yet)
+ $data["tokentype"] = "HOTP"; // the token type
+ $data["tokentimer"] = 30; // the token timer (For totp) and not supported by ga yet
+ $data["tokencounter"] = 1; // the token counter for hotp
+ $data["tokenalgorithm"] = "SHA1"; // the token algorithm (not supported by ga yet)
return $data;
return false;
- $data = getData($username);
+ $data = internalGetData($username);
$data["tokentype"] = $tokentype;
- $func = $this->putDataFunction;
- $func("settokentype", $put);
+ internalPutData($username, $data);
return true;
if($key == "") $key = $this->createBase32Key();
$hkey = $this->helperb322hex($key);
- $token["username"] = $username;
+ $token = internalGetData($username);
$token["tokenkey"] = $hkey;
$token["tokentype"] = $ttype;
- $func = $this->putDataFunction;
- $func("setusertoken", $token);
+ internalPutData($username, $token);
return $key;
// if the key is invalid or the user doesn't exist.
function setUserKey($username, $key) {
// consider scrapping this
+ $token = internalGetData($username);
+ $token["tokenkey"] = $key;
+ internalPutData($username, $token);
// self explanitory?
function deleteUser($username) {
- $func = $this->putDataFunction;
- $func("deleteusertoken", $username);
+ // oh, we need to figure out how to do thi?
+ $data = internalGetData($username);
+ $data["tokenkey"] = "";
+ internalPutData($username);
// user has input their user name and some code, authenticate
// it
function authenticateUser($username, $code) {
+ $tokendata = internalGetData($username);
- $func = $this->getDataFunction;
- $tokendata = $func("gettoken", $username);
+ if($tokendata["tokenkey"] == "") {
+ $errorText = "No Assigned Token";
+ return false;
+ }
// TODO: check return value
$ttype = $tokendata["tokentype"];
$stest = $this->oath_hotp($tkey, $i);
//error_log("code: $code, $stest, $tkey, $tid");
if($code == $stest) {
- $tokenset["username"] = $username;
- $tokenset["tokencounter"] = $i;
- $func = $this->putDataFunction;
- $func("settokencounter", $tokenset);
+ $tokendata["tokencounter"] = $i;
+ internalPutData($username, $tokendata);
return true;
// for keys
// $this->dbConnector->query('CREATE TABLE "tokens" ("token_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"token_key" TEXT NOT NULL, "token_type" TEXT NOT NULL, "token_lastid" INTEGER NOT NULL)');
- $func = $this->getDataFunction;
- $tokendata = $func("gettoken", $username);
+ $tokendata = internalGetData($username);
// TODO: check return value
$ttype = $tokendata["tokentype"];
$tlid = $tokendata["tokencounter"];
$tkey = $tokendata["tokenkey"];
+ if($tkey == "") {
+ $this->errorText = "No Assigned Token";
+ return false;
+ }
switch($ttype) {
case "HOTP":
$st = 0;
if($code1 == $stest) {
$stest2 = $this->oath_hotp($tkey, $i+1);
if($code2 == $stest2) {
- $tokenset["username"] = $username;
- $tokenset["tokencounter"] = $i+1;
- $func = $this->putDataFunction;
- $func("settokencounter", $tokenset);
+ $tokendata["tokencounter"] = $i+1;
+ internalPutData($username, $tokendata);
return true;
return false;
// gets the error text associated with the last error