-if(file_exists("config.php")) require_once("config.php")
-else {
+if(file_exists("config.php")) {
+ require_once("config.php");
+} else {
// config file doesnt exist, we must abort sensibly
// get out master library for ga4php
// first we want to fork into the background like all good daemons should
-$pid = pcntl_fork();
+//$pid = pcntl_fork();
+$pid = 0;
if($pid == -1) {
} else if($pid) {
// i am the parent, i shall leave
+ echo "i am a parent, i leave\n";
} else {
- // i am the child, begin me up
+ /// ok, this is just testing stuff... create queue
+ $cl_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_CLIENT, 0666 | 'IPC_CREAT');
+ $sr_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER, 0666 | 'IPC_CREAT');
+ $myga = new gaasGA();
+ global $myga;
+ print_r($myga);
+ while(true) {
+ msg_receive($sr_queue, 0, $msg_type, 16384, $msg);
+ echo "Got message $msg_type\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ switch($msg_type) {
+ echo "got auth message, $msg\n";
+ $username = $msg["user"];
+ $passcode = $msg["passcode"];
+ global $myga;
+ msg_send($cl_queue, MSG_AUTH_USER, $myga->authenticateUser($username, $passcode));
+ break;
+ case MSG_ADD_USER:
+ echo "add user\n";
+ $username = $msg["username"];
+ global $myga;
+ msg_send($cl_queue, MSG_ADD_USER, $myga->setUser($username));
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "um??\n";
+ }
+ echo "Back to wait\n";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
- * radverify.php
+ *
* This file is designed as a "script" extension to freeradius (or some such tool) for radius authentication.
* Also provided is a simple web interface for managing users in freeradius.
+$myAC = new GAAuthClient();
+if(!isset($argv[1])) {
+ echo "Usage: ".$argv[0]." add|auth username passcode\n";
+ return 0;
+switch($argv[1]) {
+ case "auth":
+ if($myAC->authUser($argv[2], $argv[3])==1) {
+ echo "Pass!";
+ } else {
+ echo "Fail!";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "add":
+ $myAC->addUser($argv[2]);
+ break;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+class GAAuthClient {
+ function authUser($username, $passcode) {
+ if(!msg_queue_exists($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO we need to setup a client queue sem lock here
+ $cl_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_CLIENT);
+ $sr_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER);
+ $message["user"] = $username;
+ $message["passcode"] = $passcode;
+ msg_send($sr_queue, MSG_AUTH_USER, $message, true, true, $msg_err);
+ echo "message sent\n";
+ msg_receive($cl_queue, 0, $msg_type, 16384, $msg);
+ echo "message received?\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ return false;
+ }
+ function addUser($username) {
+ if(!msg_queue_exists($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO we need to setup a client queue sem lock here
+ $cl_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_CLIENT);
+ $sr_queue = msg_get_queue($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER);
+ $message["username"] = $username;
+ msg_send($sr_queue, MSG_ADD_USER, $message, true, true, $msg_err);
+ echo "message sent\n";
+ msg_receive($cl_queue, 0, $msg_type, 16384, $msg);
+ echo "message received?\n";
+ print_r($msg);
+ return false;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
-class gaasGA extends GoogleAuthenticator {
+if(!isset($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER)) $MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_SERVER = "189751072";
+if(!isset($MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_CLIENT)) $MSG_QUEUE_KEY_ID_CLIENT = "189751073";
+define("MSG_AUTH_USER", 1);
+define("MSG_ADD_USER", 2);
+define("MSG_DELETE_USER", 2);
+if(file_exists("../../lib/ga4php.php")) require_once("../../lib/ga4php.php");
+if(file_exists("../lib/ga4php.php")) require_once("../lib/ga4php.php");
+function getDatabase() {
+ $dbobject = false;
+ if(file_exists("/tmp/gadata.sqlite")) {
+ try {
+ $dbobject = new PDO("sqlite:/tmp/gadata.sqlite");
+ } catch(PDOException $exep) {
+ error_log("execpt on db open");
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ $dbobject = new PDO("sqlite:/tmp/gadata.sqlite");
+ } catch(PDOException $exep) {
+ error_log("execpt on db open");
+ }
+ $sql = 'CREATE TABLE "users" ("users_id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"users_username" TEXT,"users_tokendata" TEXT);';
+ $dbobject->query($sql);
+ }
+ return $dbobject;
+function closeDatabase($db) {
+ // doesnt do anything yet
+class gaasGA extends GoogleAuthenticator {
+ function getData($username) {
+ // get our database connection
+ $dbObject = getDatabase();
+ // set the sql for retreiving the data
+ $sql = "select users_tokendata from users where users_username='$username'";
+ // run the query
+ $result = $dbObject->query($sql);
+ // check the result
+ if(!$result) return false;
+ // now just retreieve all the data (there should only be one, but whatever)
+ $tokendata = false;
+ foreach($result as $row) {
+ $tokendata = $row["users_tokendata"];
+ }
+ // now we have our data, we just return it. If we got no data
+ // we'll just return false by default
+ return $tokendata;
+ // and there you have it, simple eh?
+ }
+ // now we need a function for putting the data back into our user table.
+ // in this example, we wont check anything, we'll just overwrite it.
+ function putData($username, $data) {
+ // get our database connection
+ $dbObject = getDatabase();
+ // set the sql for updating the data
+ // token data is stored as a base64 encoded string, it should
+ // not need to be escaped in any way prior to storing in a database
+ // but feel free to call your databases "addslashes" (or whatever)
+ // function on $data prior to doing the SQL.
+ $sql = "delete from users where users_username='$username'";
+ $dbObject->query($sql);
+ $sql = "insert into users values (NULL, '$username', '$data')";
+ // now execute the sql and return straight away - you should probably
+ // clean up after yourselves, but im going to assume pdo does this
+ // for us anyway in this exmaple
+ if($dbObject->query($sql)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // even simpler!
+ }
+ function getUsers() {
+ // get our database connection
+ $dbObject = getDatabase();
+ // now the sql again
+ $sql = "select users_username from users";
+ // run the query
+ $result = $dbObject->query($sql);
+ // iterate over the results - we expect a simple array containing
+ // a list of usernames
+ $i = 0;
+ $users = array();
+ foreach($result as $row) {
+ $users[$i] = $row["username"];
+ $i++;
+ }
+ // now return the list
+ return $users;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file