// just trying to test how extensionAttributes work in AD. they seem to be exactly what we're looking for in terms of a place to plonk our data
+$host = ""; // for eg ""
+$binduser = ""; // for eg "administrator"
+$bindpass = ""; // for eg "password"
+$basecn = ""; // for eg "CN=users, DC=google, dc=com"
+// this is here so i can keep my atributes somewhere in the tree and not have them float around on git/svn
+if(file_exists("../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php")) require_once("../../../.dontappearingitandsvn.php");
$ds = ldap_connect("$host", 389);
if($ds) {
$r = ldap_bind($ds, "$binduser", "$bindpass");
if($r) {