+function GLCASMenuBuilder()
+ global $BASE_URL;
+ ?>
+<a href="<?php echo $BASE_URL ?>">Home</a>
+<a href="<?php echo $BASE_URL."/admin/"?>">Admin</a>
+ <?php
+function GLCASMessageBuilder()
+ echo "<i>Messages not implemented yet</i>";
function GLCASpageBuilder($bodyClass, $bodyFunction, $title="GLCAS")
- global $WEB_ROOT_FS;
+ global $WEB_ROOT_FS, $BASE_URL;
// TODO: load css
- // TODO: load js
// header
- echo "<html><title>$title</title><body>";
+ echo "<html><head><title>$title</title>";
+ // load css
+ if(file_exists("$WEB_ROOT_FS/css")) {
+ $dh = opendir("$WEB_ROOT_FS/css");
+ if($dh) {
+ while(($file = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ $mt = preg_match("/.*.css$/", $file);
+ if($mt > 0) {
+ error_log("loading css $file");
+ echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$BASE_URL/css/$file\">";
+ //echo "required $basedir/$file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // load js
+ if(file_exists("$WEB_ROOT_FS/js")) {
+ $dh = opendir("$WEB_ROOT_FS/js");
+ if($dh) {
+ while(($file = readdir($dh))!==false) {
+ $mt = preg_match("/.*.js$/", $file);
+ if($mt > 0) {
+ error_log("loading js $file");
+ echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$BASE_URL/css/$file\"></script>";
+ //echo "required $basedir/$file\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // start body
+ echo "</head><body>";
// page top
echo "<h1>GLCAS</h1><br>";
- echo "<table><tr><td>messages go here<td></tr><tr><td>";
+ echo "<table><tr><td>";
+ GLCASMessageBuilder();
+ echo "<td></tr><tr><td>";
// menu, then body
- echo "<table><tr><td>Menu goes here</td></tr><tr><td>";
+ echo "<table><tr><td>";
+ GLCASMenuBuilder();
+ echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
// body
$url = "/";
if(isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
function go($url)
- echo "admin page";
+ error_log("repo:go called");
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["action"])) {
+ switch($_REQUEST["action"]) {
+ case "addrepo":
+ GLCASpageBuilder($this,"doAddRepo");
+ return;
+ break;
+ case "scanrepo":
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ GLCASpageBuilder($this, "body");
+ }
+ function body($url)
+ {
+ // for the main admin body, we hae the following components
+ // 1. list of currently available repos and stuff
+ // 2. way to add a repo direct
+ // 3. way to scan for a repo given a url
+ // so first, lets do the main body
+ $this->mainBody($url);
+ }
+ function doAddRepo($url)
+ {
+ $myRep = new GLCASRepo($this->config);
+ $glt = $myRep->getRepoDetailsYum($_REQUEST["repourl"]);
+ echo "<pre>$glt</pre>";
+ function mainBody($url)
+ {
+ // first, list available repos
+ echo "<h3>Repositories</h3><br><table>";
+ echo "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Version</th><th>Browse</th><th>Control</th></tr>";
+ echo "</table><br><hr>";
+ // wrap all this in a table
+ echo "<table><tr><td valign=\"top\">";
+ // now, add a repo
+ echo "<h3>Add A Repo</h3>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?action=addrepo\">";
+ echo "Type <select name=\"repotype\">";
+ echo "<option value=\"yumbase\">YUM (Base URL)</option>";
+ echo "<option value=\"yummirrorlist\">YUM (Mirror List)</option>";
+ echo "<option value=\"apt\">APT</option>";
+ echo "</select><br>";
+ echo "URL <input type=\"text\" name=\"repourl\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Add\" value=\"Add\"><br>";
+ echo "</form><hr>";
+ echo "</td><td valign=\"top\">";
+ // now scan for a repo
+ echo "<h3>Scan For Repos</h3>";
+ echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"?action=scanrepo\">";
+ echo "Hint <select name=\"repohint\">";
+ echo "<option value=\"fedora\">Fedora</option>";
+ echo "<option value=\"centos\">Centos</option>";
+ echo "<option value=\"ubuntu\">Ubuntu</option>";
+ echo "</select><br>";
+ echo "URL <input type=\"text\" name=\"repourl\"><br>";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Scan\" value=\"Scan\"><br>";
+ echo "</form>";
+ echo "</td></tr></table>";
+ }
private $config;
function go($url)
- echo "i am the repo man, i repo the repo";
+ error_log("repo:go called");
+ GLCASpageBuilder($this, "body");
+ }
+ function body($url)
+ {
+ echo "for the repo, i am the repo $url";
+ }
+ function getRepoDetailsYum($url)
+ {
+ $actionurl = $url."/repodata/repomd.xml";
+ error_log("Getting for action of $actionurl");
+ $ld = file_get_contents($actionurl);
+ if(!$ld) return false;
+ return $ld;
private $config;
function body($url)
- echo "i am disturbing";
+ echo "i am disturbing, $url";
private $config;
--- /dev/null
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+th { font-size: small; }
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\ No newline at end of file
$WEB_ROOT_FS = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
+$BASE_URL = dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
// add libglcas as if it were a path in ../libglcas
if(file_exists("../libglcas")) {
$webResponder = new GLCASWeb($glconfig);
echo "<pre>";
+echo "BASEURL: $BASE_URL\n";
+echo "CUSTOM\n";
$vars = get_defined_vars();
foreach($vars as $var => $vkey) {
echo "VAR $var is:\n";
--- /dev/null
+// none
\ No newline at end of file