descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeMon, 23 Feb 2015 04:41:50 +0000
2015-02-23 Paul J Rnew final sequence master
2015-02-23 Paul J Rchanged startup for a few little things
2014-01-02 Paul J Radded inetd and some other stuffs
2014-01-02 Paul J Radded inetd and some other stuffs
2014-01-02 Paul J Radded inetd and some other stuffs
2014-01-02 Paul J Rnewer thingoes
2014-01-01 Paul J Rmore script updates, added peerstats cleanup
2014-01-01 Paul J Rmore script updates, added peerstats cleanup
2014-01-01 Paul J Rupdate scripts
2014-01-01 Paul J Rmoved reboot and restart stuff to shell script daemons
2013-12-02 Paul J Rsmall change
2013-12-01 Paul J RAdded stats bits
2013-11-18 Paul J Rdebug txts
2013-11-18 Paul J Rreset 2
2013-11-18 Paul J Radded reset clear
2013-11-18 Paul J Radding output for sirf modifiers
9 years ago master